111 - 1111CIFACUES CCLIIL EICIAS NCO,. 3 Yes to new classrooms! Attention off-campus students! Don't get excited over the prospect of parking closer to the Clasroan Building without getting a ticket. Information straight from the man who should know, Karl Krone, Manager . of the Hazleton Campus, indicates that there will not be a new parking facility on this campus next semester. The assumption that a new Residence Hall will generate more parking facilities is false. There No to new parking, By Chris Drury Collegian Staff Writer Business Mr. Ted Imbert, Manager of the Campus Bookstore will be the same number of parking spaces next semester as there are this semester. Some students who formerly ormmuted will be living on campus; therefore, the possibility of fewer cars for on-caucus students is evident, considering that only 45% of the current on-campus students have registered to parking lots on campus. The good news on campus is that a Fund Drive that is currently under way in order to raise $1.5 million dollars. purpose of this fund drive is to begin construction on a building between the Classroom Building and the Physical Building. It will contain 5 classrooms, RCIH C, COSI Education presentation rooms (each with 75 seats), offices, and a conference room. The fund drive intends to raise this money over a 5-year How soon this period. 23,967 square foot structure can be initiated and completed depends entirely on how midi money is raised. The campus will ask the university for additional grants or Harrisburg to submit state funds to posibly make up the balance of $3.7 million dollars. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 18)
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