VOL. 2 NO. 1 IN MEMORY: THE PIERCES by Matt Harris Editor—in--Chief It's a gad thing that the premiere edition of this year's Collegian has to deal with the campus's loss of an energetic lead- On October 1, Dr. Harmon B. Pierce, the re- cently appointed CEO of the Hazleton Campus, and his wife, Anne, were killed upon impact after their Harmon and Anne Pierce, posing for a picture last July (photo courtesy of Public Relations) Highacres Collegian single engine Cessna airplane crashed in a tato field in Medford, Jersey. Dr. Pierce was 52 years old. His wife was 46. position of CEO in July, Dr. Pierce and his wife proceeded to relocate into the surrounding area of After accepting the northeastern Pennsylvania. Although they had their difficulties locating a house and moving their be- longings into the area, this did not detract fran Dr. Pierce's attention to the carpus . A few weeks prior to the fatal accident, I had the priviledge of sitting down with Dr. ''Pierce one-- on-one. Fran the opening manent, I was very impressed with his person- ality and his attitude; just as I had been when he appeared on caucus last year before myself and a group of students who were members of the march Cbmr mittee for a new CEO for the campus. At that tiger he was friendly, courteous, and appeared quite capable and dedicated in bringing reform and restructure to the Hazleton Can!us. As Harman Pierce sat down, he gave me one of his October 9, 1986 east-to-west smiles and leaned forward in his chair. Then in that south- ern dialect which he pos- sessed, he said, Matt, so how are you doing?" I knew that I was going to have a very pleasant conversation with We spent the ensuing mcnents "shooting the breeze" about haw each of us was doing, our health, school, and so on. Then we began discussing his plans for the revitalization of the campus. Dr. energetically but firmly, began discussing in detail what he was planning to do to improve the Hazleton mss , "There are many things that are on my agenda for the next couple of years as far as caspus laprovement is concerned. The, campus "Well Pierce,