- - -- • • 4 , o . . - •- t , , Righacres Collegian '2865 .' Vol. 18, No. 2 Dawes To Retire Lisa A. Bosak She's the tiny lady behind Helen has seen thousands the cafeteria counter with of students come and go the sparkly eyes and snow through Highacres in the white hair. She's the one past eleven years. "As who can put love into the soon as I get acquainted most boring cafeteria din- with a student, they're off. ner. She's the bright spot But I'm not sad because I within our storms of know they're on to bigger estimators, dimensions and better things . " and do-loops. She's our Helen is delighted when H el en . she receives a card or a Helen Dawes has lived in visit.from a student who is West Hazleton all her life. now at University Park, or She began working with who now has a family of the food and housing at their own. "Sometimes Highacres when it was they call me Mom," she established in 1971. This says with a chuckle. May, eleven years later, Helen loves to help . the Helen will be retiring. Her students here, whether three daughters felt it with advice or a remedy would be good for her to for someone who is ill. "I take a rest and spend some want to treat these kids the time with her fouur grand- way I would have liked my children. She'll miss kids to be treated at working (I loved every school. I want to, be their minute of it!) but she's six- mother away from home." ty-two and looks forward When I ask Helen if she to the rest. has confidence in the "I love the kids," she. futures of college students, tells me with a twinkle in she answers reassuredly. her Irish eyes. "They "I don't see any badness in keep me working; the, kids. I believe the kids of keep me young. today will make HCV Has Active Year HCV, Hazleton Campus's pus Condors basketball successful undertakings to of Fall term, I was con- Television club , ranks throughout the season. date. The auction, which fident enough to let the among the most con- HCV has supplemented was televised live from the club work almost com sistently productive their regular program- Heights. Terrace Elemen- pletely on their own," organizations on campus. mind schedule with many tat:) , Center in Hazleton, stated Jais. He added that In their studio facilities, special on location produc - raised funds in excess of the HCV staff "did par located in the upper level bons. The organization's $1,400 for HCV. In addition ticularly well in . Freeland of the PE Building, HCV programming appears , on to the financial success, when I could not be there has been producing a local Service Electric 13 (13 on the club members had the for the better part of the news program and a the local dial) every unique experience of t a p i n g health cliscussion show. Tuesday night at 8:00. working in a live televised The bread and butter The club has also been The live televised auction situation. Steve Zarick, programming of HCV producing Hazleton Cam- was one of HCV's most HCV's 'president and television is still executive producer, said "Newsview 13" and that all members who par- "Health World". In a show ticipated in the auction such as Newsview 13, a performed commendably. member can enjoy a fairly Zarick also said that the professional environment club owes a debt of and experience in nearly gratitude to the many all aspects of TV produc viewers who were in- tion. Some of the other strumental in the auction's areas are writing, direc s u c c es s . tion, video, audio, lighting, Going out on the road for and compu-graphics. The material is nothing new Newsview staff includes for the HCV crew. The advisor Jais, producer club has gone on location Zarick, news director to tape several Pee Wee Melanie Danchak, League football games, a assistant producer Bill parade from. downtown McVaugh, sports director Hazleton, and amateur Bob Sosar, staff boxing from the Freeland meteorologist Mark YMCA. Barry Jais, HCV's Miller, and writers Gary energetic and competent Kendall and Chris Doty. advisor, feels that the club Assistant producer Mc has developed into a Vaugh t in addition to his skilled ? professional crew Newsview 13 duties, is which is indeed capable of charged with the produc such complex un- tion of "Health World". dertakings as on location Healthworld features local productions. "By the end chiropractor Dr. John Published by the students of the Hazleton Campus, Penn State University (photo courtesy of HC,V) something of themselve: I know a lot of people wl say`What is this wore coming to . . ' but they don give kids a chance to pro , themselves. Those peopi have to learn to have fait in kids and flow with till times ' Helen has come to km the kids who eat in th( dining hall so well that sly knows what kinds of food they prefer. "Some ar ice cream eaters, titers pie eaters- and the there's the girls on diets don't want any part that!" she exclaims with a smile and a wave of her h a n d Helen speaks often of missing her work and of all of "her kids". After her retirement, she plans on visiting her grand children often and keeping up with her hobbies: reading and knitting, (which she does beautifully!) She also promises that she'll be back to the dining hall foi v isits. Helen's ten minute break is almost over. I tell her how much I have enjoyed spending this time with her. The little lady with the spotless white jacket and sparkly eyes touches my arm and says, "You know, I have this philosophy. It goes like this...Tll' pass this . world Good Luck In Your Final Examinations May 1983 but once and any good I can do, I'll do it now because I'll never pass this way again." We're glad you passed our way Helen. We love you. If you would like to keep in touch with Helen, her address is: 13 East Madison Avenue, West Hazleton, PA, 18201. Degenhart and his various guests from a wide range of health-related fields. "I enjoy the ris h ponsibility," said McVa , "and the Doc (Dege art) is very cooperative and good to work with." McVaugh also explained that the show,. one of HCV's easier productions, is used to train members on more complicated equipment such as the production switcher and audio board. Last but not least in this groupof future televisioners is the technical crew. The tech crew of HCV work quietly behind the scenes m the control room or on camera, and neither receive much credit nor seek it. The competent and professional crew which handles such work includes vice-president Allen Shoemaker, "Ray mer"Kramer, Mike Herm, Rob Matan, and Dan Turrene. Producer Steve Zarick concluded by saying, "The entire HCV staff, or should I say team, is an assett to both campus and community and suc cess for the future of the club is assured with such a te a m
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