The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, May 01, 1982, Image 29

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From the
By Jerry Traitly
The only major
drawback this year has
been the radio club,
WHCB. That organiza
tion has been - virtually
dormant since the begin
ning of the winter term.
Repeatedly, the club's
president has promised
that the organization
would return to the air,
yet the end of the school
year has come, and the
studio remains unused.
The radio club has
been the missing link in
the campus media, for in
as much as HCV pro
duces weekly, and the
COLLEGIAN monthly,
WHCB has the capability
to turn out daily broad
In the first place, this
campus is without any
form of a public address
system that would be
able to reach all of the
students on campus in
whatever building they
may be in. Of course, this
By George P. Yanoshik, Jr.
Club involvement '— to really feel corn- such.
namely with the fortable with the deci- In closing, I sincerely
Highacres Collegian sions which I have - had to hope that participation in
has been an important make over the past two eh% activities continues
key to opening the door years regarding my throughout next year
to my future educational future. with the freshmen on
opportunities as well as Granted, being "ac- campus now. As in my
my possible career tive" on campus is not own personal scenerio,
moves and alternatives. for everyone; but, the op- which I have just con-
Like most students portunity for self- veyed to you, "involve
who move away from fulfillment at a small ment" is very important
home for the first time campus such as this one to being satisfied with
and are immediately put are immense. Nobody your stay at the Hazleton
into a new college should be afraid that he 'Campus. Not only are
lifestyle, I was is not "good enough" to you able to , meet new
bewildered and confused participate in any of the people, but through the
as a freshman. I didn't activities on campus responsibilities you are
seem to have any direc- competition, here, is not given, it helps you to
tion in my life. Working a problem that one must mature and grow at an
with the Collegian, deal with. Club member- individual.
though, gave me the ship is open to anyone on Reflecting back over
chance to make a lot of campus regardless of his two years at this cam
new and lasting friend- major, etc. At the pus, then, I can only
ships, to personally get Hazleton Campus an in- leave with good feelings
to know faculty and staff dividual is not simply a and a lot of fond
members, and ad- number, he is an in- memories which I will
ministrators; and, for dividual and is treated as keep with me always.
the first time in my life, -
From the
B Pam Eppinger
am truly looking for
ward to my new job, and
I would like to take this
opportunity to share
some of my goals,
background information
and thoughts with the
Collegian readers.
I am from Elmer, New
Jersey, which is quite
close to the Pine Barrens
and about 45 minutes
from the shore. I attend
ed Woodstown (where's
that? ! ) High School,
Editors' Desks
is understandable, and his or her career, be it in
impractical because the print media or in
there is probably no one radio or TV.
period in the day when It is my hope that next
the entire enrollment of year will see an active
the campus is on campus radio club combined with
at one time. The radio an active TV club and
station could be in- newspaper. Together,
strumental by providing the three could provide
an announcement sec- the campus with the
tion in its programming finest media in the Com
each period-. That way, monwealth Campus
students, faculty o and ad- System.
ministration could tune Since this is my last
in at a set time each column on these pages, I
period, and hear an would like to thank my
nouncements that could staff. They have been the
be placed over the air by finest, most cooperative,
any club or other and dependable group of
organization wishing to people I have ever work
take advantage of the ed with. It is through
station's capabilities. their efforts that the
There is a second COLLEGIAN has risen
reason why the station is to the standards it cur
so important on campus. rently upholds. I will
That reason is the need miss them all, and I
for the journalism ma- know that they have
jors at Highacres to gain made a fine choice in
experience. It is im- electing Pam Eppinger
perative that a journalist as their editor for next
be well-rounded early in year.
future Editor's Desk
where I was a reporter
for the school
newspaper, founder and
editor of the school's
literary magazine, and
on the softball team. I
lived with, my parents
and my little sister, Pat
Presently, I live on the
dorm's first floor, where
I will be an R.A. next
year. I'm currently in
volved in the Collegian,
New Horizons Magazine,
5.U.8., the University
Scholars Program, and
R.H.C. I am a third term
Education English ma
am anxiously awaiting
the beginning of next
year and my new office, I
still have a lot to learn
about running a
newspaper. It is for this
reason that I am so
grateful to have two very
competent helpmates,
Terry McCarthy and
Lori Emerich, not to
mention the entire Col
legian staff and our fine
advisor, Dr. Santulli.
I am faced with the
task of filling some pret
ty big shoes. This year's
executive editors, Jerry
Trently, George
Yanoshik, and Kelly
Yale did a tremendous
job in bettering the Col
legian, and restoring
Page 21
campus enthusiasm in
the publication.
will put forth my
strongest and best ef
forts to maintain both the
quality this paper has ac
quired in the past year,
and the enthusiasm its
improvement has spark
ed in both the staff and
the readers.' am going to
strive to sustain the up
ward trend of the Col