The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, May 01, 1982, Image 21

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    airplane contest
Walk-a-thon commit
tees begin working as
SGA revises its election
SUB sponsored a
Valentine's Day dance
with music provided by
"Straight Up." Special
attractions included kiss
ing booths, cupid, and an
appearance by "Short
Shit and the Doo-Dahs."
The volleyball team
selected 12 new
Collegian is cancelled.
This headlines late in
February, but changes
were soon made as a
general staff meeting
was held.
HCV continued to go
strong with Hazleton's
alternative to news,
sports, and weather.
News View 13 had an ad
dition to its Tuesday pro-
gramming "Health
World" with Dr. John
Winter term ends and
the Spring term begins.
The headlines read: SUB
is now in theprocess of
finalizing plans for Spr
ing Week to be held April
17 to 25. The events in
clude an Eat-a-thon that
I: rother Myron Yvonne "Spanky" Cormier Stacey Anthony The Noodle
is on Stranaham Cindy "Freddie" Porreca Babs Olenick Pam Weeks
Joanne M. Pritulsky Dr. William J. David Miss Pocono 1983-L.A.E. Marian "Smokey" Pollack
Pat Zubritsky Mr. Nicholas Skimbo Carole Klingerman Boz DelßalSo
Kevin P. Sharpe Dr. David Orbin Roseanne Avillion Gary Strausser
Rose M. Mulhern Dr. Alan Price Mary Beth Denion Mary Zimmerman
Margaret Tamea Dr. Carl Frankel Theresa Vilcheck Schmedley
Joe Marchetti Antoinette Segilia Alyson K. Jones Pat Smith
Mr. Robert Sabatino Denise J. Bugda Tina Barchik Mary Ann Piskorick
Donna Bayer (Class of '77) Dean Joseph McCallus GORM Joe Chuckra
Chad Enama Mrs. John Bugda David Barchik Jim Bean
I actor Eugene Miller George P. Yanoshik, Jr. Tony Morelli Harry Ziegler
Major Ralph Hicks Mahlon & Susie Kachelries Craig Merluzzi Gumby
S.F.C. Don Nemeth Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oswald Lori J. Dotter Patricia Ann Gronski
Sue Cervasio - Jim McMullen Mary Pasechnick Lucy Deßienzo
Mr. Stuart Erwin George P. Yanoshik, Sr. Spec Mike Hunt
Richie Wrubey Jacqui A. Yanoshik Edward Ecker Gene Hunsinger
i r. Joseph Dandois Jennifer Jean Finelli Colleen Reese Tim Leary
Alice Antinozzi David M. Yanoshik Barbara Plaz & the Whip
Terri Eroh Linda loves Roy 4th Street Gnawers To: 8.R., 8.W.,E.N. Thanks! BAM
Virginia Mulraney Anne M. Martino Theresa B. Cusatis Nelson Longacre
Mrs. Ruth Reichart "Martino Who?" Phy sic nn Boyer Ann Cormier
Dolores Mhley Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Emerich ys 201 Kathleen Stone
Mr. M. Leonard Shaevel Jayne Ann Rona Barrett Bugda Gene Duffy Marianne Pindar (Class
was held at McDonald's
with proceeds benefiting
the Ronald McDonald
House in Danville, PA. A
jello-eating contest and a
clean up the campus con
test, as well as the an
nual run up "Agony Hill"
were included among the
The University
Players presented `!Play
It Again, Sam" in the
Commons on Friday,
April 23.
Bringing an end to Spr
ing Week were SUB's
barbecue in the picnic
area and the annual
Road Rally.
The Collegian comes
back into full swing with
its third issue which in
cluded a section on the
history of the campus.
The staff began work on
the fourth issue which
was to be extended to 24
Dr. Jumpeter and the
Hazleton Campus Chorus
presented the "HMS
Pinafore on the Sailor
who loved a Lass" at
Stefanisko's, Route 309.
HCV sponsored an all
you-can-eat spaghetti
dinner for the rededica
tion of the Commons.
HCV also undertook
another project
televising the American
Cancer Society Telethon,
which raised over $66,000
for the benefit of cancer
HCAC finalizes plans
for the March of Dimes'
Walk-a-thon that was
held April 25 beginning
at Harmon Geist
Stadium, Hazleton.
HCAC put a lot, of work
into this event to make it
a big success.
At a candlelight
ceremony, 18 were in
ducted into the Par
nassus Honor Society.
On April 30, the SGA
sponsored the annual
awards recognition ban
quet at Gus Genetti's
Motor Lodge.
The Collegian, with its
fourth issue in print,
began work on the fifth
and final issue of the
year included in the
final issue was a "year
book" pull-out section.
The Collegian got off to a
shaky start indeed, but it
came back to have one of
the best years ever. Near
the end of the term, the
Collegian acquired a
"new arrival" its own
Compuf air 'B2 was held
for the first time on Cam
Compendium 8
pus. The Fair was spon
sored by the Nor
theastern Pennsylvania
Computer Club and the
Hazleton Campus.
The New Horizons'
Literary Magazine hit
*the stands and the
Drama Club presented
"Ladies and Gents" and
"Black Comedy" on May
5,6, and 7.
Elections were held
and a new SGA president
and vice-president were
HCV makes plans to
continue News View 13
into the summer as the
Collegian brought back
the craziness of
"Comeriety Night," a
Hazleton Campus tradi
Finally, wrapping up
the year is Commence
Well, it has indeed
been quite an eventful
year, with much, much
more happening on cam
pus than space could
allow me to list.
Our year has been full
and rich, blooming with
happiness here at the
Hazleton Campus
some say we will never
again experience such
happiness and fulfill
This wraps up the year
as a whole. Hope you en
joyed keeping up with
"Highacres Happen
Judy Crane
Cyndi Correale
Betty Margie
Chrisie Cassic
Helen Dawes
Tom Caccese
Tim Trently
Mr. and Mrs. I sadore Pelle
Helen Mongi
Sophie Trently
Pauline Perbetsky
Pat McCarthy
Tim McCarthy
Jim & Mary Ann
"Big Business" Nick
Student Union Board
Drug Rug
Imanuel Kant
Tom Stafiniak
Dr. Harriet Rudolph
Niel Young \