Monday, December 18, 1978 Collegian Personality BILL GORSKi Staff Writer Who among you intellectual and dedicated readers, that would never ever dream of missing a publication of the most prestegious newspaper on cam pus, The Highacres Collegian, know of Donna Baver? If you do not know, read on. Donna is an alumni of Penn State, Hazleton and University Park campuses. She graduated in 1977 with a Bacculaurate Degree in Journalism. Upon graduating, like any con structive, competent, degree bearing person, she attempted to find a job. Seeking em ployment at the NBC studio in New York City, she attempted to evect Walter Cronkite from his newschair, but without suc cess. At least she got attention and recognition for her absurb attempt. After an otherwise routine job hunting experience she moved her way to the illustrious WACM underwent a format change from an adualt com porary program to a 1940 Gospel Stint, she relinquished her position and returned to an unemployed status briefly. Her brillant work at WACM paved the way for her to obtain her present job at the Hazleton Broadcasting Company; home of WAZL (AM) and WVCD (FM) the position she now holds as ac count executive allows her to ap ply her creative ability to ad vertising. Many of the com mercials that you hear on WAZL and WVDC are produced and presented by Donna. Beginning in January she will be co producing and broadcasting the news for the Highacres Broad casting Company, while main taining her work in advertising to a lesser degree. Lm C^ordliolly Christmas Dance