SUB CORNER Campus Activitiess April 1 - 12. Anthracite Festival* April 1-8. Videotape* Eric Clapton and Cream* April 4* SGA representative e lection* April 7* "Women in Anthracite*" Jim Sperry. April 12. "Molly Maguires." C-1. 8:00. April 13* Walkathon* April 18. Tri-County High Sohpol Beading Festival, (sponsored by Belles- Lettres and SGA*) April 19* Voice Recital. Mr. Joseph Jumpeter. Mr. Leonard Shaevel on piano. C-1. 8:00. April 20. Morning Song. 8:00 in Commons. Tickets are 12.00. April 21 - 25. Artist in re sidence. Janet Dougherty. Painting and printmaking exibit in library. April 25 - May 2. Videotape. "TV Madness." April 28 - May 2. Spring Week. (Times and places of the pre ceding events to be announced later.,) Tax Break Proposed Cixlng the "skyrocketing cost of higher education," D.S. Senator Hugh Scott (R- Pa.) introduced legislation March 4 to allow middle-inc eome persons to take $2,000 tax deductions to help pay educational costs. "I feel strongly that this legislation is desper ately needed to encourage people to pursue their educa tion and to offer them a tax break for doing so," Scott said. The Senate Republioan leader said his bill would The Highacres Collegian, April At 1 Art Carved Diamonds make things happen. SHOWER OF STARS Especially engagements. There is nothing more engaging than a breathtaking diamond ring from the renowned Art Carved collection. See our irresistible Art Carved styles soon. And let it happen to you. 3ew€ib 37 E. BROAD ST. HAZLETON, PENNA. 18201 JIM HARNER, 8.5., P.S.U., OWNER and remember, Horner's is still offering a 10% discount to all Penn State students, faculty and members of the administration. TWILIGHT BLUE 455-0241 FLOWER SONG