THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THE REV by Charles Hiller This be the true story of the Genesis of Highacres, told in honor of the fortieth anni versary. In the beginning was this mountain, and the mountain was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of that mountain. And'Dr. Aurand moved over the mountain and he saw that it was void, and it was with out form, and it was dark. And the Good Doctor said, "Let there be light," and there was light; but realizing that one could have fun in dark ness, he said to Professor Shaevel, "Divide the darkness and the light;" he did so, and called the light day and the darkness night. And that was the first period. On the second period the Good Doctor said, "I shall call this hill Highacres; let there be trees and grass (not that kind); and all kinds of birds to fly in.the sky above the hill, and chipmunks and rabbits to do all kinds of real neat things on the grass," and he did so, and saw that it was good; and that was the second period. During the third period the Good Doctor said, "Let the trees divide themselves; and let there be grass meadows," and he created two grass meadows: the one to his right he called "Soccer field" and the one to his left he called "University;" and he saw that it was good. And that was the third period. On the fourth period, Dr. Aurand said, "The field to my left is barren; I shall make a box and I shall call it Main Building (after Jesse Main); and next to it I shall make another box and call it SUB (named after EdiTa-775ir," and on the top of the hill he made a box of great magnitude and called it Classroom; and a smaller next to it called Library; and in the darkness he created South and Memorial and Bookstore. He looked around at what he had made, and saw that it was good; and that was the fourth period. During fifth period, the Good Doctor went to the SUB and had a cup of coffee with Edna, and said that wasn't bad; and that was the fifth period. During the sixth period The Great Lord of the Mountain said, "I shall create an Everitt Binns and place him in the SUB; and I shall create a Dean, and he shall walk into the Sub and say, 'Where is Mr. Binns?' and I shall make Mr., and Mrs. Dr. David and they shall go for walks in the woods; I shall make Professors Price and Breckenridge and they shall walk around my hill in sackcloth and sandals and have straw on their floors; I shall make a Mary Ferry and place her in Library; an Andrew Kafka, and he shall carry things in shopping bags; and I shall want music, so I shall make a Jumpeter, and he shall go out with joy, with gladness of heart to come unto this mountain of Aurand, Alleluia." And he created all kinds of things that walked and talked and kow towed and went stalking for the Wild Gypsy Moth; and Aurand saw that it was good, and that was the sixth period. At the beginning of Seventh Period the Good Doctor saw that what he had created had nothing to converse with; no one for Mr. Biacchi to talk GNP, NP, NI, NNP MICKEY MOUSE with; no one for Prof. Kafka to teach kowtowing to; no one for Prof. Shaevel to sing "Rhapsody in Blue" to; no one to skip a TV course; no one for Mr. J. to make music with; no one for Dr. Suhre to read to; no one to fill Dr. Covert's Walk-a- Thon sponsor card; and no one to play football with Mr. Campbell. So the Good Doctor took Eric Bell, cut off some of his long hair, developed some of his attitude, and made a "Student." "Go forth and uollegian, May 20, 2. As part of the Markle Estate, the South Building was a sort of greenhouse; la ter it became R.O.T.C. head quarters: 3.A caretakerts cottage stood where our Library is now; students would enjoy re creation facilities there. 4. The Bookstore was the old Chem Building following its use by the Markle family. 5. (Prof. Concannon has the answers to this one.) 6. Hazleton - Pierucci Grove City, Pa. - Covert McAdoo - Jumpeter Ashland, Pa. - 6taudenmeier Mt. Carmel - Aurand Rushville, Ind. - Price learn," he said,' "according to Physics, music, statistics, logic, Philosophy, and the other Gifts of Higher Learning." And now the Professors had children to teach kowtowing, tennis, the Greek alphabet, and. Nihilism; and some one for Hr. Dandois to teach the anatomy of an Allen Or gan; and for the Good Doctor himself, some one to teach the legend of the "Great Hat." And the Good Doctor looked over what he had created and said, "Not everything can be perfect." And that was the seventh period. Shalom. ERNITY FRAT ACTIVITIES On May 7 the Psi Pi Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega held its final induction of the year. Welcomed into mem bership were Charles Hiller and Nick Kotchision. Alpha Phi Omega would like to think everyone on cam pus who has helped make our first year on campus a fantas tic success. Special thanks to Dr. David, Dean McCallus, Mr. Binns, Mr. Krone, Mr. Dun lop, and Dr. Dandois. We wish everyone a good summer and hope to see you all in that great U -Park in the sky. QUIZ continued from page eight Answers 1. "Lot B" was a soccer field and the R.O.T.C. practice field. 1974-Page Nine