LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS During the month of March, the library acquistions were: Habrace Guide to the Library and the Research Paper -Sears, Donald. ;n Catalog-Sweet 1 s Product Desij Catalog Service. Creative Education Henrie. Summer Employment Directory - National Directory Service. Petit Lahousse Larousse. Introduction to Chemical Nomen- clature - Cohn, Robert. Introduction to Crystallagraphy - Phillip, Frank. Cumulative Book Index-1963-64" Wilson, 1965 - 2 Vol. The Works of Plato - Edmon, Irwin. Portable Nietzche Frederick. Political Writings Selected Thomas Aquinos, St. The Diplomat?, Craig, Gordon A.j and Felix, Gilbret. The Common Market-The European Economy in Action J, Warren. Rings and Ideals Edward. 0. Henry - Gracis, Eugene. We are all glad to see that our library selection is in creasing. - Bergson - Librarie - Nietzche 1919 - 1939 - Mystrom, - F#rater, DICKINSON ELECTED PRESIDENT Elections were recently held for seats on the Student Gov ernment Association. A presi dent and vice-president were selected along with nine repre sentatives. The following students ran for the seats were open: President Larry Dickinson Vice-President Bob Landro Representatives: Jim Baldwin Ellen Brown Pearl Buchert Trish Calvani Ron Carelli Sharon Fellin Don Herbner Ellen Kelly Berenice Lester Pat Oravetz Bella Ann Setzer Fran Slaty Steve Wisloski Those elected weres President Larry Dickinson Vice-President Bob Landro Representatives: Jim Baldwin Ellen Brown Trish Calvani Ron Carelli Don Herbner Ellen Kelly Berenice Lester Bella Ann Setzer Steve Wisloski We hope that they will lead and represent us well. There is no need to read this article. Its only purpose is to fill this space remaining at the bottom of this page. So if you are reading this little passage you might as well quit now and save your eyes. Believe me it*s worthless to continue reading. There are you happy?