"New Orleans is Scene of Racial Riots," "Georgia University to Close if Negroes Attend," Family Evicted for Breaking Integration Boycott." These are only a few of the appalling headlines appearing in today’s newspapers throughout the country. In my estimation, one of the most dis appointing and terrifying thoughts is the fact that the Civil War was fought as a lost cause. We are still fighting over th e racial issue. Today's Negro population, on the whole, is no better off than when they were slaves. They have, or are supposed to have, the same rights as the white man, but you'd never know it. And what good has it done? They aren't allowed to attend the same schools, ride the same buses, use the same restaurants, etc. Being a Negro is a fight from childhood. Neighborhood children are taught by their parents that you are different and they are to have nothing to do with you —you play by yourself. In school, you are shunned again. Children have their own ideas now, but grownups have them so indoctrinated with false impressions that all Negroes are bad, that their first reaction is cruelty and mockery —you seek schools even if it means lower ing your educational standards. Finally, you're out on you own, no teachers and parents to take your part. For weeks you canvass offices and answer want ads, only to find that good jobs are strictly for white personnel. What good is your education? For you must give in and accept a job using brute force, moving in compl iance with orders, given no chance to do your own thinking. Any endeavor on your part to find a home would also bring failure and disillus ionment. Cities are marked off by invisible lines into black and white sections. When a Negro steps across the boundary and moves into a white area, the whites move out. The are has soon been transformed into a solid black section. The white's excuse for moving is that they believe that if one Negro family moves in, the area will soon become over-run with blacks. This will (continued Next column) happen only if the whites do not move out. If they stay there will be no room for any other Negroes to move into the area. If the situation is handled in this way, the one black family may move out. Or they may become friends. But there is no intelligent reason for leaving the area. The standard of living of the Negroes is most often no less higher than the whites. It isn't going to make a slum out of the section because one (or maybe two) families has moved next door. Stay in your home.' If you fear invasion by blacks, the surest way to get it is to move out and create homes for them. The newspapers play up the criminal incidents among Negroes, but the crime rate among whites is actually higher than the blacks'. If you were mistreated and shunned wouldn’t you rebel? I don't believe this is any excuse for breaking the law. I'm not making excuses for their misdemeanors. But I would like to know how we can explain our high rate. We have no semblance of a * reason. Stop picking on the Negro. Think a little of their feelings toward you. If these southerners who are making such a fuss about integration would just take time out to analyze the situation they are creating, they would realize the foolishness of the incidents. How could fourteen Negroes in a school of over six hundred pupils make any real difference in the school schedule? I think we could do well to remember the Golden Rule "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." **Si*****#*** * * * * * # H« * * Time to be yourself. . . . Faced with crisis, the man of character falls back on himself. He imposes his own stamp on action, takes responsibility for it, makes it his own. . . Difficulty attracts the men of character, because it is in embracing it that he realizes himself. President de Gaulle