The Intramural basketball league will begin on Monday, October 24, 1960. All gomes will be played in the Hazleton High School gymnasium. All participants ore asked to use the basement entrance, since the main doors will be locked. Up to date, four teams are regist ered and a sahedule will be posted sometime this week. All games will be ployed on Monday nights throughout the winter months* A complete schedule will be drawn up in the near future. The winnlngest team will take the title. *•**#*****#*•#•****•**#* SUB LOUNGE SITE OF FCELD SERIES During the preceding week, the SUB lounge drew baseball fans in good numbers« It was good to hove this opportunity to watch the series, but it is suggested that the TV set get a onoe-over, for it blacked out at the most opportune times. For example, Bill Mazeroski’s dramatic homer that won. the series. Both teams' deserve credit for fine t>erformances, but as Gino Cimoli of the Pirates said* "The Yankees got the records, bat we won the series*" BASKETBALL I understand how communism works and recognize it in action, ._Jfos _ p ossibly _____ I admit that don't know. I pride myself on my knowledge of current local, national, and international affairs I'm interested in a limited way. It really matters to me, I rebel against false and misleading advertising,, Yes .Once in a while is designed to "selln" These three questions were selected at random from twenty similar ones cont” ained in a startling pamphlet titled "How So You Rate Yourself?" The pamphlet is part of a Citizenship Quotient kit which contains material for putting wheels on Circle K's CQ program* The program intends to make you aware of your citizenship responsibilities and perhaps, what is more important, make you aware of your citizenship deficiencies« Citizenship, you know of course, doesn’t begin when you stuff your voter’s card in your pocket r. Citizenship begins the minute you’re born„ In as much as you reside in a state or province, under the regulations of a government, you are the citizen of that state or province. Some people have come to the conclus* ion that there are no really new ideas under the sun, that since the time of Socrates and Plato all so-called new ideas have been old refrains with new lyrics. The old ideas of citizenship have worn pretty thin from being taken for granted* Circle K’s CQ program is not some-' thing you’ll use to find out if somebody else is living up to his title of citizen* It is strictly a one-man you living up to your claim? Test yourself on the sample questions above. How do YOU rate? (The Circle K Club of the Hazleton Camp*® will appreciate your cooperation in conducting such a survey at our campus) Advertising