1960-1961 COLLEGE ARTS PIEH SCHEDULE The following films are scheduled to be shown in the Student Union Building at 8 P«M* on the indicated dates* A heavy throng is expected for the initial showing# TIGHT LITTLE IS! FRIDAY: 21 October 1960 !7 happens when a hard drinking "s.ii.rid full of Scots are first deprived of xhoir SCOTCH and then find a whole ship full of BLACK & WHITE? One of the funniest pictures of all timel" ********************* FRIDAY: 18 November 1960 "Shakespeare's greatest Tragedyl This is the Laurence Olivier version#" ********************* TITAN AND APPALACHIAN SPRING FRIDAY: 9 December 1960 "The story of Michelangelo, the Titan of Art; his life, his work, his times# A film that has won awards and critical acclaim the world over o Pulitzer Prize winning musicj the only full-length Martha Graham ballet on film. Martha’Graham designed the dances for Oklahoma. " ********************* THE SEVENTH SEAL FRIDAY: 10 February 1961 "A Swedish film triumph of Ingmar Bergman, Sweden's greatest director# THE NEW YORK TIMES: *An uncommon and fascinating film'; THE CLEVELAND PRESS: 'Probably will be one of the greatest flit®, foreign or domestic, of all time#" ********************* NIMAL FA FRIDAY: 10 March 1961 "George Orwell's famous fable that attacks Communism and Socialism on their HAMLET INRY MOORE own terms# This film is animated cartoon art at its best. Full color, political satire#" ******************** FRIDAY: 7 April 1961 "Marlon Brando's Academy Award Performance, eight Academy awards in all.? A picture well worth seeing again. t #and again#" —- 1 * *»«**■» ***■■«—**■*»■«*■■ ivairHrjf *.*-«*. »«**«v»*^** ■» t*as«MMf#«3iu»*« aW Bp-tal«iW v > M«IMWM|U*»Mb< 'W% r -n-‘— tm T.-rjur SORORITY HELD ANNUAL HAYRIDE On Saturday, October 15, the Theta Sigma Pi sorority held its annual hayride# Leaving the Student Union Building at 7:30 PJIL, the party made its leisurely way to the State Police Grove ia St# Johns where a weiner (,?) roast and dancing were enjoyed by the girls and their dates. From reports, everyone had a wonderful time o Students are requested to keep brief coses on the racks downstairs or in the clothes' closet upstairs in the Main Building# Do not place them on the floors. )aan» , .__ . mm wmmm—m n-K.l •(■•l.M'f 111. WIKK-HIHC mill -fcSAXfia FRIDAY: October 28, 1960 (Student Union Building) 9 P#M# til Midnight MUSIC BY: NOTICE Mr# Schneider 2U3SBIS