Over the years* Highacres has had some truly outstanding instructors ' serve as members of the faculty. As a special feature, we would li':e to tell you about a few of these really great professors. PROFESSOR HAMS QPICKFDTGERi Professor Quickfingers of the Psychology department was one of America’s foremost, and when we say foremost, we mean it, criminil&gists. A few summers ago, he made a hasty tour of the country. He got as far as the Mexican border where he 7/as met by colleagues and accompanied on a guided tour to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Recently, however, several business associates immersed him in a large vat of cement, where he became part of the highway system between Harrisburg and Philadelphia. PROFESSOR F. ED PUTKO Professor Putko 7; as the youngest man to have a full professorship in the chemistry department. Professor Putko was a specialist in the theories of the bouncing ball, expanding bubble gum, sand piles, miniature trains, mud cakes, finger painting, and small hairy spiders. Students rushed to sign up for his courses at the end of each semester. As one eower applicant put it, "You don’t hove to take notes in his course. He can’t talk yet." PROFESSOR HONUS "H AM Professor Hocks was head of the Physical Education department. He won the Body Beautiful title in 1949. This triumph was largely made possible by his unusually developed chest muscles, iron biceps, iron stature, iron legs, and lead brains. In 1946, he won the national ’Olympic heavyweight lifting contest. He was able to support his ponderous weight on his own two feet! TEACHERS FHO COULDN'T STAND THE STRAIN AT HIGHACRES SHOCKS PROFESSOR CLAUDE "CRIBS" KOTfMEYER Professor Kotzmeyer was professor o|* Armenian at Highacres. He spoke modern, medieval, and ancient Armenian fluent'y, He spoke seventeen dialects of Armenian He did not speak English* This dis tracted from his general excellence as an instructor, since he did not seem to understand his students, nor they him* It is recommended that for closest harmony in the classroom, the class should have at least one langur,ge in common with the teacher. BEST REMEMBERED F/CULTY MEMBER Professor Jvan Mamhoff taught biology and other related courses. He received his master's degree from Johnstown Junior College, and since then had been teaching bi&Vfflr. \jjJe has been instructing in the biological sciences since 1839, and still enjoys a good dissection. (Failing students often donated a limb for a guaranteed His hobbies included: Selling lob supplies at black market pri&es, keeping students in a state of extreme nervous ness, and selling nerve tablets. It was rumored that he used formaldehyde instead of sugar in his coffee. He was a member of the following organizations* Anti-American League, Shoplifters Inc., Mickey Mouse Club, and Black Knights Motorcsij3& Club.