WHAT EXACTLY IS THE RED CROSS BLOOD ASSURANCE PLAN FOR OUR COLLEGE? It is a feature of our health department at Hiyhacres to belong to the Red Cross blood assurance program. Ten percent for six months and twenty percent for a year of our student, faculty, and staff enrollment donate a pint of blooc. at a scheduled time in the Fall and Spring Semesters* In return, re have blood' receipts in the dispensary and office available to our students and staff and their immediate families, In ca.se a student or a mem ber of his immediate family is out of the Northeastern district and meets with an accident and needs blood, your chairman con tacts the Red Cross, who in turn sends the necessary credentials to the hospital, and they receive donations regardless of location. Miami, Florida, is not too far away for our Red Cross contact; in fact, we have had such a. con tact . Your college was the first in this region to join this Blood Proa ram, and we have had splendid cooperation over a per iod of eiyht years in the coll ection of donors to fulfill our obligation. Our fall schedule has been set ur for October 25, 10:45 A. lf. to 4?45 P.II. at the IWCA, 228 West Broad Street, Hazleton, Pa, You can obtain donor pledge cards from l*lr. Kidd i:i the Student Union Buildinp or Mrs, Kosten bader in the dispensary, parental release cards must accompany the pledge cards (if you are under twenty-one years of ape) send both re turned, to Mrs. Kostenba&er in the dispensary . to schedule your time for donah ion. This time must not conflict rV with your classes. J * Other members of the Blood Prop.ra.ra Committee are: Mr, Terry Lindemlith, President of dent Council, Mr* Berale Mr* Steve Grladis, and Mi Matteo» Furtfce r i n.f o rrna ti on obtained by consulting Ivostenboxlcr * #*#«###«*«*«##** STUDENT COUNCIL HELD 2TSETING- The Student Council held a meeting on Monday/, Sepvember 26* Tile order- of business follows: I. f4 ? I00„00 was received from the main campus for the Hiyhacres budget. Tills is approximately §9OCoOO less than the figure re quested e The result must be the cutting of totals requested by organisations where felt needed. 2. The Annual Junior Celleye Conference is to be held Nov. 4 and 5 at Hiyhacres* 3. Tentative Social Activities Calendar % The Social and Arts Committees will provide activities for Friday niahts. This Friday., September 30, a record dance will be held. 4. The following persons were appointed e,s committee heo,ds: Mr. John HibulaM—Social Activities Mr. Levi Mishbauyli“--Sports Don't Cor J C - the Stu- Bartos, ss Donota can be Mrs . *«**««« Forget nee. Z)