KISS JUNAS RECEIVES ASSISTANTSHIP Miss Lillian M. Junas, our part— time English instructor, has been a— warcLd a half—time assistantship from the School of Journalism at the Penn— sylvania State University beginning in September of 19590 She will undertake advanced study toward a master of arts degree in addition to instructing a photography laboratory course. Miss Juna6 received her B. A, degree in journalism from Penn State in June, 1957. TAR. WARD RECEIVES FELLMSHIP Mr. Gilbert H. Ward, associate professor of physics at Highacres, has been awarded a National Science Foundation Science Faculty Fellow ship for the 1959-60 academic year. The award, one of approximate— ly 300 fellowships "to individuals to improve their competence as college teachers of science ) mathematics or engineering" is in the amount of 56,300 plus tuition and travel allow antes. Mr. Wardts tenure as a National Science Foundation Fellow will be spent at Cornell University where he will devote full time to scienti— fic study. He is a graduate of the Univer— sity of WiOcon6in where he received both the bachelor's and master's de— grees. He has taught at the city high schools in Sheboggan and Wausau, both in Wisconsin, and has been a member of the Hazleton Campus faculty since 1948. ILATTERN SELECTED FOR. SUMMER COURSE J. Richard Mattern, associate pro— fessor of chemistry 0 the Hazleton Campus, has been named a participant in the 1959 Ohio University Summer Insti— tute for College Teachers of Freshmen Chemistry under the grants—in—aid pro— gram of the National Science Foundation. The Institute will be held on the camp— us of °him University at Athehs, Ohio, from July 13 to Jugust 22, Mr. kattern, one of 45 participants chosen in nationwide competition, will receive a total stipend of 020, plus tuition and a travel allowance, for the six—week program. The institute is designed to "bring to teachers of first—year chemistry in small colleges a better understanding of old and new concepts in organic, inorgan— ic, and physical chemistry and an oppor— tunity to consider methods of presenta— tion of chemical information to their own students 4 Le GORDON WILCOX DONATES HYMN TO LIBRARY Mr. A. Gordon Wilcox, instructor of English at the Hazleton Campus, has dmnated an original piece of music titled THE CRUCIFIXION, wnrds translated by . H. M. Jones. It has been copyrighted. The copies of the hyrax in the library are for medium and high Voices, ME. KAFKA ON ENGLISH STUDY COMLITTEM Prof. Andrew Kafka ) of the Mighacres English department is serving on the State English Committee for the Language— Arts Improvement Program of the Depart— ment of Public Instruction.