The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, September 19, 1958, Image 3

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Cadet Corg4saicped Offippre-1
Drill Pl*
Ist Lt. and Ist Sgt.- 1 or 2
members... 1
Military R
chairman-3, or 2
mortars- 1
You are reading the COLLEGIZ. It is
mimeographed paper which is soon every
two weeks during the academic year.
There is mach controversy as to what
the COLLEGIAN is. Sone say it is a
newspaper (there are few ssying this).
Some say that it is a magazine (such
as MAD or HUMBUG). Others sa c * it is
a variety of thinge (ail unprintable).
NOTE: Cccasionally a printed edition is seen,
It may be observed that there are several rct'imutitew of these can be put out because
activities that are not listed in the of their relatively high cost end our
above article. You nee-41 not fear that relatively low budget (very low).
these orgamizations are unrecognised
by Parnassus. They simply have been
so lately organised ghat Parnassus has
not yet been able to sot up a point
system for them.
********** * * * * * * * * * *
The advisor of each organization deter-
Tines tho number of credits each indiv
idual will receive.
Save thio paper for future reference.
********* * * * * * * * * *
1 1 0E14 0 3 ' Art514 1 :).*14 !AN
This group directs stude4o life here
at HIGHACRES. They decide who gets
oney, how such they get, and for what
they can spend it. (The money in
questicin is YOUR money. Of the $lO
activities fee each student pays per
semester, $7.50 is given to out Student
Ciovt. Association to dispense as they
see fit. The other $2,50 is retained
at the thin Cainpu.) They also :iodide
when, where, and ft a dance will be
held. Finally they decide who will be
on what committees, The advisor:3 for
this activity are Professore J.R,Mattern
and J.A.Longe•
You my be asking yourself how you can
become a nether Of such a powerful group
as that which we have been talking about.
;;011, for the first few weeks of this
::Aenester a for porarp group, elected by
Is-It year's council will rum things
around hero. Remover, within a few weeks
an election will be held and a new council
and set offieggro. will. be chosen..
may get yourname on the ballot by
presenting a written petition with
the signatures of ten students on it
to the advisors. You will hear nore
about this soon.
******** * * * * * * * *
The remnants of last year staff aro
still around, but many now people are
needed to continue publication of the
COLLEGIAN. A paper may be found on the
bulletin board on the second floor of
the Main Building. If interested in
becoming a member of the COLLEGIAN
staff, place tour name on it. Imo
few days en orgaChizational and intro
ductiopal meeting will be held. Notice
of this meeting will be placed on the
Bulletin Boards. The capable Professor
Andrew Kafka is the advisor to the
********** * * * * * it- * *
This creative writing group is, in many
ways, tied to the COLLEGIAN.. The advisoT
to this gropp is also the capable
Professor Andrew Kafka. Anyone interests
in creative writing should watch the
bulletin boards for further information.
********* * * * * * * * *
This is one of the moot active groups
here. They moot once a week for a
practice session. Several concerts are
held each season by this group which is
composed of students and members of the
community. Professor Pearl Garbrick hea4
this group.
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