The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, April 18, 1958, Image 8

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The following question is optional, and need not be answered. No credit will be
given for a correct answer, but lots of discredit will be giverLfor arLincorrl7)ct once
Ltultiple choice:
1. There is an (old lady, young man, St. Eernard) living in the state of Zew (JorsPY,
York, England) who has the only outstanding shares in the (Ford, Cord, wheel-chair)
(family, gang). (She, Him, It) (refuses, chooses, amuses) to sell these (hairs,
shares, chairs) back to the corporation. The corporation has offered (her, him, it)
a (great deal of, small amount of, peanuts) (honey, money, baloney) for (it, thcm)..
I think (he, she, it) is being (dumb, numb, fun, shrewd).
Defend your answer to this question in not less thaw.3ooo words.
* * **** * if -3C- *iE*if * * if * c***ifif if * *
Prof: "Mr, Jones, I hate to tell you,
but your son is a moron."
Jones: "Where is he? IMII teach that young
pup to join a fralsernity without consulting
* 4**** * * * * * **** * *3 *
An American enginfter was being shown.
through the Moscow subway by his official
Red Army guide.
"This is a remarkabley well-designed
subway," he said, 'rout why aren't there
any trains running?"
"Replied the Russian, "And what
about the lynching in the South?"
* 4C. ***** * * * * 4t- *3t ;£ ** * *
Soon after the newlyweds came back from
their honeymoon, the bride decided to
cook her first chicken. Mien the husband
began to carve it, he asked, nhat did
you stuff it with, dear?"
"I didn't have to stuff it," she-replied.
"It wasn't hollow.°
* * it- *is * * it- * * * * * *3E**
Two professors were strolling through an
exhibit of fine arts.
"Say," said one, "that's a fine bust of
Robert Burns l bver there"
She blushed and dimpled. And he langhe
"That's not Robert Burns," snapped the other, and lagghed. "Just as I thought," he
"that's. WilliaM Shakespeare:" "You look liko a chipmunk."
•• Si
"Well," sighed the first, "that's one or
me. Just goes to show you how little I
know about the Bible."
4(• * * * * n 4t- * *
A sexton cleaning up the pulpit after
Sunday service took a peek at the
preacher's manuscript. Along the left
margin were instructions such as: "Paus
here," "Wipe brow here," "use angry fis 4
gesture," "Look upward."
Near the end was a long paragraph of
te*s m o pposite which the preacher had
marked in large capital letters: Argu—
ment weak here, yell like hell!"
* * * 4C- * * -X- * * * 4(- * * *
A priest saw one of his parishioners
hanging drunkenly on a lamp post
"For shame young man, What's gotten.
into you?"
"Three Fathers,, feather."
* * * * * 4C- * is * * * *
And then, one day she turned and saw tha
he was smiling at herl She smiled back
at him! No, he didn't turn away, he dic.
disappear- he looked at her more intent_
"Smile like that again," he said.
Asril 18 1958
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