HIGHAC RES COLLEGIAN the writer's pre44.tiSes in developing ideat, organizing material, constructing paragraphs, forming sentences, and selecting words. Moreover, as you read, You should ponder oh the material, agree or disagree with the opinions expressed, and try to discover a parallel with your own thought or experience. Concentrated study should leave you with increased knowledge of the technique of writing and usually with new subject matter suggestions for your own compositions. For the most part, the selections which will be printed are of the Comp• One level. The English Department and the Collegian staff have attempted to choose themes which will appeal to college readers. If your theme grades have been low, perhaps it is because you do not know that goes into the making of a good theme* We hope that by reading these themes, yort will pick up some useful hints which wUI help you to pull up your grades* The Gollegian staff is grateful for the cooperation of the English Department in helping to produce these fine writings* (IL,_ r OUTSTANDING Tams OF' THE 111 EU . MANKIND AND THE ATOM Did you ever a # o p for a moment and wonder what the size of an atom really 13'? Well, if you had, you would have been amazed at its infinitesimal smallness* This minute particle has ne?er been seen, even with the aid of the most powerful microscopes, yet all mat,ter in the universe is made up of either alone, or in an arrange— of several linked together in some wafQ There are about one hundred (A:Se:cent kinds of atoms, and these are iinown as the basic elements* However, there are ~.any thousands of combinations of these elements ranging from common table salt to the complex compounds that are contained in living cells* The atom is made up of still smaller by Frank Me Ogureek units. These are known as electrons, protons, and neutrons* The electron carries a negative charge of electricity, the proton, a positive charge, while the neutron is electrically neutral. These particles form a system that is analocus to the solatr system* Electrons, which are the smallest of the three partici revolve around a nucleus containing protons and neutrons. The atoms of the different elements contain a varryinb number of electrons, protons, and neutron. Although the atoM is minutes the force: binding its nucleus together are immense. This binding force is known as nuclear or atomic energy, The nuclei of most stye are stable, but there are a few among the heavier and lighter elements that Are unstable i The unstable nuclei of the heaVier atoms tend to break up into smaller and more stable nuclei, and in doing so, release some of their binding energy in the form of radiation, Among the lighter elements the unstable nuclei can also be rearranged to form new nuclei in the process of this rearrangement, vast amounts of energy are released. This second method of atomic reactions is evident in the sun and the stars. In the past decade man has succeeded in tapping this vast resevoir of energy in the form of nuclear and thereto—nuclear explosions. He has built bombs that contain an' almost immeasurable amount of destructive power. Actually man has released only a fraction of a per cent of this limitless source of energy. What about the future? Can this bound— less energy be used for purposes other than the manufacture of bombs? Many e' scientists all over the world are working toward the answers to these questionso — ln the United States, England and Russia, as well as in other countries ways of harnessing the power of the atom for peaceful uses are-being studio:' In the field of medicine the atom has already proved to be a boon to mankind If a way can be found to utilize the full potential of the atom, man will have an unlimited source of power. I belive that if mankind learns to use this power for beneficial rather than destr— uctive purposes, the future will indeed 28 'LARCH 1958