HIGHACRES COLLEGIAN ADD A FOURTH "R" TO SCHOOL WORK THROUGH USE OF VISUAL AIDS, PUPILS LEARN REASON" BEHIND FACTS THEY HAVE TAKEN FOR GRANTED, A new method of education is currently be ing experimented with on the West Coast* Children start to learn science while they si;ill in Kindergarten* The scope of ■heir training advances as they reach hig hec grades j. and they attend many classes rot covered by the "three r's"« The eter nal %hys" 6f childhood are answered sc ientifically and visibly as pupils learn Che reason Dehind everything they see in this mechanical age* fete in Kindergarten incubate eggs and •watch the chicks hatcho They learn health education with a large-scale set of teeth, e. model eye, and wooden figure© Third-grade pupils learn basic science facts and related mathematical concepts through the use of machines which employ the lever, the pulley, the inclined plane and the wheel* When conservation comes up in another class, the students study mine operations and then build their own mine with orange crates, rocks, clay and Erector sets. A second grade group, as part of its study of the dairy in the community, takes turns shaking a quart jar of cream, checking for butter formation, finally spreads the butter on crackers and samp les it* With nails and copper wire, the fifth graders learn some of the basic scientific principles involved in electricity and electrical morors. The instructor demon strates the power of 110-volt current by connecting an ordinary electric wire to two nails driven through a board. A weiner is placed on the nailsj a short circuit arranged} the weiner cooked electrically. This also demonstrates to the child what might happen to him if he plays with house current. After this experiment pupils will continue by Ted Minor to have other experirnces with electricity: Much reading will -be done} models showing wiring and fuse systems of houses will be constructed and examined} pupils will check electric morors, compute voltage anf make many other mechanical experiments- The children will write down their find ings, thereby receiving a great deal of constructive instruction*. When a lad constructs a motor run by a dry-cell battery, the instructor explains the similarity between this simple device and the large motors used in industry* Sixth-grade students, by studying mice, learn about nutrients and the different effects of poor and balanced diets* Thus, everything in these interesting calsses is related to everyday life and the school is actually a basic training ground for Ame rica's future scientists^ # * * COLLEGIAN STAFF Editor-in-Chief —Tom Maxwell Assistane Ed- Fred Steckert Associate Ed.; Stan Zdep Art Editor- —John Cappello Sports Editor- Bernard Goydish Reporters A 1 Hanger;. Betty Ted Minor* Gene Tihansky,-, Bernard Fred Steckert* John Zisek* Joanne Barbara Katchmarik Typists —Gene Tihansky & Joanne Edwards » Faculty Advisor--Mr* Andrew Kafka. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ****** M&3SO FEB. 28., 1953 Kulig, Goydish.# Edwards ,