HIGHACRES COLLEGIAN Philosphy cont. - Edict four - Nothing makes any difference in the long run* for instance* It doesn't make any difference if anybody reads or understands this article or not now or later and even if they did read and under stand it, it doesn't matter anyway* "With this philosphy, a poor student can sit back and enjoy the view of Conyngham Valley while he fails an exam and says "to hell with it" in a convincing manner* Collegian "Man On the Street" Poll by Francis Werpshaw When confronted with the thought provoking question, "What do you want for Cgristmas" the following students answered. Walter Leib.., ~"An 1.8. M. machine," Donald 8aran........ "500 Dave Brubeck records." Dave Saul ..'JA '32 Ford Coupe." Bill Shindel. ....."A rope and gun" Bob Brumbaugh. '.'Jane Mansfield•" Tom Toth .."I want Bill Schumacher for Christmas." Hugh Cannon... ...."'57 Cadillac." Bill Mace. "A three wheeler" Remo Milino •.. Emil Kasper..... "A tutor," Funzi(John Cappello) John Kichka........ Bob Grittner. Bemie Hollod Sandra Rimm ...."A chinchilla coat." Eleanor 5v0k............."A letter from Japan," ."An "A" in Physics ."A dozen plastic clothes pins— colored." ."A "57" Oldsmo bile." ."A new 3 foot slide rule to do my trigonometry," .'"57 Cadillac." Decc 13. 1957 Letters To The Editor Mr# Editor: It has now become a co:imon the campus that the last i-s’K- Collegian had its joke pa.--;a c In doing so, the party res c-:r the censorship struck a direct the student body by dee: ' \ f mature enough to re ad an au 1 page. Let's exercise our fr^x 1 the press combined with a re'-lie sense of judgement in further is - A committee of loyal readers My Dear Sir: Let me remind you that there is a far greater variety of girls than was mentioned in your article entitled FEMALES CLASSIFIED, The R.O,T.Cr boys had better not get too serious about this particular work which we notice has no byline. Dear Linda: It’s not that I enjoy writing tr.r •'■t • ening letters, but I feel that fete o of Penn State is at stake. Your column is just too much l So stop the nonsense because I’m already over my budget in the blackjack department. Miss Linda Lovely: I think your column is supurbl It’s too bad you have such a nasty editor who tries to under rate you. Whatever you do, don’t give up. Stick to your guns and keep writing that enlightening page. Well, I must close now, for you see, the men in the white coats want to take me back to my cage. I can’t remember my name. Editor-in-Chief: We want the J okeslll Editor: I see Russia’s claim of their third stage rocket from Sputnik I landing in the United States is True. That-s a wonderful picture of it you had on your The Kinsey Society Louie The Student Body