HAVE YOU HEARD? by Jacqueline Kessel Cupid, the mythological Greek God Eros, has been shooting golden arrows into the hearts of those young goddess of love and beauty, wishes to unite in marriage. This charming myth began when Venus became jealous of Psyche, a young and beautiful princess o She sent her son, Cupid, to enamour Psyche with some mere Cupid fell in love with Psyche and wafted her away to his palace. Cupid is still releasing his arrows and has pierced the hearts of Miss Patricia Vangroski and Edward Pensock, who became engaged during the Christmas Holidays* Miss Vangroski is enrolled in the Medical Technology Curriculum, and Mr, Pensock is a Business Administration student here at Highacres. In addition, Miss Mary Ann Varner of eatherly has become engaged to Mr, Earl Rios. Miss 'Varner is a student at Cedar Crest College in Allentown. Having served three years with the U.S. army Security Agency, Mr. Ries, now is a Business Administration student at Highacres. Congratulations and best wishes to these two couples are student body of Highacres. Saturday night, January 5, was a gala one for the Highacres Rc.ocT.-C, The Annual Military Ball of the Reserve Officers Unit was held, and the affair was a resounding success. The evening was highlighted by the music of Scotty Parsons and a program of entertainment, featuring Ben Tuchi as Master of Ceremonies. The Queen of the ball was lovely Henrietta Smith. Patr-cia Vangroski and Barbara Nardinj were the attendants to the Queen. A delicious supper was served in The Pennsylvania Room prior to the dancing. To: bad that we could not hold this Gala Annual Aff&ir at our own Student Union Building. The cooperation of the student body in the signing of the petition could make this building a reality next fall. THE HIGHACRES COLLEGIAN HIGHACRES R.o*T®Cc by Richard Hildebrand flying around Highacres people, whom Venus, the man; however, extended by the