THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY HIGHACRES CAMPUS HAZLETON PENNA. VOLUME XIX No. 5 JOHN CLAVICLE KILL. By R. Warman A Highacres student, John Clavicle; was consisted of a dissertation on Chaucez"s fatally injured today when an automobile "Cantwtury Tales*" driven by Joseph Phalange struck him as he was walking up,the Highacres road leading to the. campus. Several eye-witnesses testlfied that CLr-icle was walking near the middle of the road when Phalange came around the bend near the drill field. Clavicle tr.ed to move to the side of the. road but his way was inadvertently blocked by the three students with whom he was walking abreast. Then asked s some of the witnesses replied that they thought the car was driven at excessive speed. Surviving relatives are Not a very pleasant description, it it? Yet any day now it could be a reality. The faculty and Traffic Camnittee have expressed their concern over the njay— walkine condition that exists and are determined to alleviate it. A new set of rules has been devised whereby individuals will have to pay a fine for wwalking" violations. It ts getting pretty bad when red tape rules start to replace common sense. ***** * * * * GIMA T BOOKS COURSE by Martha Pr eputnik Dr Brice Harris, professor of Englist Literature and head of the literature department at the Pennsylvania State University, spOke at the first meeting of the semester for the Great Literature Club of Hazleton* Dr. Harris 4 lecture The meeting was held in the Conference Room of Vain Building October 5 at 74L5,, Yr. Andrew Kafka, assistant professo: of Emzlish Compositio:i and Literatum Highacres, served as the moderator of the discussion which followed the lecture. The Great Literature Club of Hazleton has scheduled numerous interesting lectures for the coming semester. Students who would like to attend these lectures may obtain information on them from iVr. Kafka, HALLOWEEN HOP Jacqueline Kessel The Hazleton Eagles was the site of the first school dance of the current aca demie year. Friday evenlng found over one hundred students enjoying themselves In an informal atmosphere of jeans and khakies. Gabe Flint and his taUented tonsitorial five provided music of aIl vartieties, from rockenroll to waltztime and back again" It is rumored that even some mem bers of the faculty, determired not to be outdone by the studens, joined in and put their students to shame in the art of tripping the light fantastic" All things considered, the dance, as the Initial offering of this years class, can be termed a resounding success. (cont'd on page 2) NOV6M. HR. 6, 1956 **** * * * *
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