Decamber 12, 1955 BOIZING 13.,tCE TTGHTINS Ray Blttner and Charles ; Tarone lead the leai ; ue in average and their rc-spoctive , teams . , the Engineering and Speech' teams are tiff.' for: - first place in the Center Bowling League, as .the circuit :enters the fifth week of :conipe,titi.on.. The biggest surpriso to the sudden. surge of the;Drafting team, which has won six straightj - and'is tied with the' Engineering team for total 3=game series score (1974)'. -s% . . gglineirig.putitht. ' , top .soyenfl;averarce leaders bebindA3tttner (162) 4pd.Tarone ('160) ~are Miller (159), Koren (151), Paden (151), and Ocksrir!er (150). The top threempmen.bowlersAre Barbara Grubbs (IQo, , SanCy . Coxe (100),. and Florence Bonep.(lQQ):. BaY Bi ttnor also , lead - v . 4 dual one - gaine ( 213), and ,three-4game . sprl es total (538). BotanT''tear leas ' - t t he one game total th.( 747):' 4.. The sthedule for'.Sway.;. Deethliber 11.1. is pdsted en the Bulletin Board Perm State Cagers..t. 'alder ils'esach ; suffered, -their first ".lost this. past Sattirp.y as the, N-rth par!;lina State Violipaek rinpeci. t'):'an . easy 78-42 vi ct-ry i. n Rale The State quintet with the heaviest schedule (26 caries) n its hi story. Lod by c 2.7c.gptarns Bobby Bel finan and Earl FitlO s - the Li ms, according to cDa Eg / considdrable since sOitiltfna session 6. • • On Wednesday; Recprther 7th,.: the' Stat Quintet -defeated cki risen C -liege . 80-66 ror the 15th straight time, to even their record.:thus far this s.-lascn HAZLETON COLLEGTAN i*lth Pittts 20-0 decision . .over the Nittanx Lions, Statels.reerd dnded with 5 wins and 4 defeats. This prespiStit'efh slate as one of the 3 major colleges in the States to hold winning seasons in the past ten years. Oklahoma, the natinfs N^. 1 toam, is the leader. Lineman Sam Valentine was chosen t' captain the Penn State gridders for the 1956 season. 0 . Sr.)qcer, 0.. The' Penn State Booters, fQr, the second consecutivc; srear have gone through the seasin undefaated. This marks the 18th straight -'which began back in 1953. In defeating the Pitt panthfrs. 6-3 tha 13,otc;rs set .3 ntw' school recoruss The old season total•of 'goals scored (45 in 1952) was broken by ,one;., Dick Packor brokQ Tack' Pinezichfs rec , rd goals . sc-rr'd in me &Jason (23 in 1952) also by one goal; the . third !hark ssA, was in consecutive games won (18), also - brokon by one. States record ± , r throe years now stands at 22-2. definition of education that mysterious process whereby information . passes from lecture totes of the :)ref through the .tbuntain pen and onto the notebook of the studenti'wliihout passing through the Minds of efith6r. A definition of teaoher 'one who talks in other' peoPl6 Is sleep. ***** * * * * * Page 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers