December-12, 1955 TRAFFIC COMMITTEE- It was annpunced by alliam:SUkehilc,, the Traffic Committee, 'WO ttenty-two 4illars laaa-iallected as traffic fines this semester but a few fines haven't - been paid. These fines should be paid at the bookstore.. .• • • The money collected becomes a part ,of the student activity fund. •• • - • • • •• The , liaffictotmittee warns the: 1 :••• stUdent ? bociTthat a;ticketwill be giVeti to anyone Who-, in Parking, takes up more . than - one car space. _ . , (Thisincludes . diagahalparking.) The traffic'regalations'states'cars, on the student parking lot . mustfirat ilse all of thi) parking placesartund the perimeter of the lot,. each'car parking at rigWanglea to' the : edge of the, lot," and this regulation will be strictly enforced. ATTENDS NA TIONAL CONFERENCE Our Highacres campus English Depart-- meat was represented by Mr, Andrew Kafka at. the 45th annual conference of the National C&Uncilof . TeacherS of English held in Nevi York City . November 24,25, and **** * * * * STAFF EditO-Russ . Brungard Assistant Uitorsternie Steber,'Larry. Kowalski. Advisor. Mr. Peightal • ' Reporters-Thomas Reese, Vivian Karvounia l ' Margaret Churilla,.Helen . NoVarnik, Patti_ Sabco l .. Rhoda StUlyan, Smlth„ John Probert,:'George ;tor, Carol Mastroafini„ Jean Reed, Leanord Parnell. (Continued next HAZLETON COLLEGTAN On Thanksgiving Day, NeyetbPr 2 5,*- 1955 at 9 A.L inSt.:Annts,Cturth - Df MissFreeland,JOAnll;Denion,-Of 9215- Ridge Street,. Freeland, and Gerald J. laclqe4.-of-701.Tialnut Street, Free— land, were united in marriage, After a reception at Genetti ts Penn— syltranta couple spend a ht - ;neyftiHoon in liaShingtcp, D.C. arid litiliamsliirg ) Virginia.. , . The 'bride is a graduate c , : f Freeland- High School and is employed, by the Metropolitan Life Insurance - Company,. , The groom is a . gradtate of Mal.rand is a third "semester D-tech.student. - here at Highacrec. On November 24, 1955 Miss Angela. " Veet of 820 North Vine Street, Hazleton, and Carl Dragnnette of rear $l6 North Vine Street were' united in marriage in the Mother of Grace Churdh - id — Hazletbn. ' ° Thebride'isa graduate of . Hazleton High School and is employed in the law offices of Laputka, Bayless, Ecker And.:Cohn. The groom' also is a graduate of. Hazleton Hazleton High 5ch0 , .. , 1, and is at present a first semester' E-tech student here at Highacrei..* •* * ; 3*. .0. * * (Staff Continued) Typists-Jean Snyder, Mary Shuletsky, Russ Brungard. Artists-Patti ,Sacco, Barbara 'Grubbs. Page 2 CONGIUTUIATIONS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers