November 16, 1955 ". <Musi cal Talent C on. t. ) symphoni st's.'Mr. Steel also plays the piano. : . . • ~. • • Mr. Millard Grubbs, a• former faculty'- member at Highacres, who' is now the Assistant Administrative Head at the Allentown Center, has recently become a member of the world—famous Bach Choir of Bethlehem, Pa. (Accrediting. ,the. Center) While• here., they interviewed some students, and sat in on the. lecturb• and. laboratory classe,s to formulate reports which will be discussed at. * the, meeting, held on the main campus` lith all , they other members of• the ' accrediting. teams: After. chetking the reports of the reviewing; teams, state— ment will be issued within Six months • reporting the• recommendations for chnages and. improvements, and commend 4 ations on the meth.Ods being' used in • the Pennsylvania State University and . all 'its centers. Remember students, the Thanksgiving - recess does not begin until Wednesday, November 23 at x. 2,20 PiM. and ends on Monday, November 28 at 8t45 LIBRkBX NEWS • Because of the numerous complaints about the noise in. the. Library,- caused by• students studyi ng or ViSiting together, the rule of quiet reading in all library rooms will be enforced. A schedule of vacant claswrooms is Dale 1 14alker is about to retire his posted on the bulletin board for the magnificent green limousine. (com- Convenience of the students who wish ' ,el4sed of 1940 to 1948 Chevrolet pa to study together. The library aides 'APhyone wishing to acquire some have been instructed to ask noisy ' valuable additions to their auto students to leave the library, mobiles (new tires, milled heads, dial manifold, radio, etc.) can please contact Dale for some real =ME NOTICE I I d===l . . Hll ZIATON COttEGT4N InanS for: the militaryball are beim fokmuiatedby the military ball committee. The dance will be a formal affair, and every cadet shoUld'make an effort to attend. More newSconcerning the military ball will be published in forth coming issues Of the CellOgiam. A Also, one may Obtain this inform , a' ation by, regularly consulting the biale4in board in POUthHall; • ; .s .LFRO'IC NEWS . Leadership Lab, which Was foirn— . . etly held on Monday of each week,;' has been' alsContinued for the winter.' " Cadets will not be required to wear their uniforms on Monday unless they are nbtifled otherwise. `CARD PARTY Ev'eryOne is invited to attend the caid party which is to be held at Hqhacret in the Main Buildlng on Fiqday s 'Novembek 18 at 8,00 P. M In order that all students will fi something to their'taste, the House Rules Committee has planned a program that includes Cheis,' • ' checkers, cards, and dancing.. ' Something new in refreshments will: be added to:the'party. , All . • studentsAnt)rosted are asked by.. the House Rules Committees to'• sign the paper which they have posted on the second floor bulleti board in the Main Building. Page 8
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers