Ncr;teribccr 16 455 MM-.OLOGY , Mien the seventh and eighth weeks of the semester roll. around,. the mid-term exams are with us. Vie approached the English Workehgp - 1.4 South Hall where Mr:Andrewkai:ka was. discussing EIAM.7OLOGY with a few freshmen. Mr. Kafka was saying that while an ancient philosopher may have had one idea when he declared that the . UnexaMined,life. is not worthtliTing,to:some student.. newcomersCnour Campus this is a , time.. of anguish•and occasionally,, ang,er. He read'the following doggerel Thymes,whAch an undergraduate had . once written,' inspired by the exam inations and dedidated to the BLUE BOOK: Trace, develop, indicate Show, disbuss and illUstrate Prove, defend and justify Uphold, accOunt'far, verify - Oppose, contrast, distinguish and substantiate Appr4ipe define v interpret and evaluate • , Review, conclude,"sutmarize, Complete, explain, analyze , „ Refute l .disprovp, select and choose Cbserve;:examine, give, tell and use Propose, assume, portray, prepare Describe, include ) , suggest, compare :Identify, Specify, clarify and . state • • • Estimate / enumerate and demOnstrate Men, one of the students expressed interest intakihg-a Course in EXAM . - . -OLOGY, Mr. Kafka volunteered some claSsifica : tions of the basic jargon if such a course were given: (SEE Next column) HAZLETON: COLLEGIAN =Zl=t2 1. The.teacher Will advise the student earnestly to• be specifi4 be pieciSe; be sure to inClud4 be explicit; be brief; be relevantl explaili fUlly; atate'dlearlylbearr In mind; remember at all times; place emphasis upon; pay particular attention to; touch 'Upon; take into account that; shOw in eaCh case that; confine'your answer to.' 2. For short answer, to: indicate whether-true or false; match the following; Select the correct word; complete the statement correctly; underline the right word; identify in a phrase. 3. 'Mote pOwer and precision are needed in.order to: give evidence for; enlarge upon; describe in . detail; evaluate critically; propose an alternate'solUtion for; base your conclusion on; link the following; give, examples of; write a brief. resume; state 'briefly BUT fully. 4. Certain questions must be analyzed: with respect to; as 'opposed to; with particular reference to; with regard to; from the standpoint of; without losing sight of; inythe light of; in.accordance Some ask you to deecribe: The growth of;yths rise bt; the nature of; the impact of; the decline of; the causes: and/or the effects, of. Others to . trace: the emergence of; the development of; the origins of; the changes, of;the influence of. Others to shawl ' the significance of; the contribution 64 the role of; the main charaCteristics of; the relation between; the fundamental difference between. Page 4 4
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