The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, November 16, 1955, Image 3

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    November 16, 1955
Miss Ann Wood, Miss Helen Dossenbach,
Mr. Gordon Wilcox, and Yr. Andrew
Kafka attended, a meeting of the - entire
English , Dept, at 'Penn , 'State University'
on Nov. 4,5, and 6 to discuss ways
4 •
and means of making the Composition_
and literature 'courses more 'lialitabie .
to the student.
During their three-day vis'it, the
attending representatives weis
invited to various- conferences and
activities held on the main campus.
Included were such events asi _ •
observation of Engli sh classes in
session; general reunion and exchangp
of ideas meeting with English caoul-:
ties from all Penn• State Centers;
round-table discussions on practi - cal
ways to make composition and liter,
ature courses mere 'valuable'to students;
opportunity to witness fOotball game'
between Penn State and Syracuse; cholee
of attending either one of two stage
plays performed 'by ... Penn State' plaiere,
The plays *ere: The Rainmaker q and
The Mikado; a dinner present new
faculty members; a 'tea'l at 'the home
of Professor and Yrs. Gates,
With the chess tournament in its
second week, thp field 'has bpen
narrowed down, to the following:.
Mr. Ward . Nick Deakos •
TOM Reese James Chudy
Robert Miller Jerom6 kivilcat
Mr. Bobonich .
The House :Rules Committee announced
that a trophy will be purchaqed b
Student Council with the.idpa that
the tournament-will be, an annual.
event. • .
awn amen noi• egeol • or. isio
President Larry Kowalski was suddenlY
and unexpectedly. stricken ill while
traveling on a chartered bus
. to the
Penn State main campus. The illness
which has since been diagnosed by
close as
gastric 14digestipn struck at approx
imately 900. ALM._ The bus was immed
iately stopped in order that the
FreWent night receive medication at
a ioca4. gas, station. Although the
official releaSe states that President
Kowaiskl walked unassisted to the gas
Station, however it is rumored that
he was helped across the roari.
After, emergency measures to guard the
president! COMfort had been made, the
bus sped to the main:campus where
further aid was givih. Py this time
the danger of a rePeated.gastric
attack had been minimized.but influenza
complications began to set in. The
medical bulletins revealed the presi—
dent; at this time, a diet of
As a result pf thP 'Complicati ons of
the gaStric at:tack, %uden Council's
Friday meeil.rig-.W keen, postponed to
Allow the president to recuperate, He
- is curr*t.l7 conValescin at the.
Jewish CominUnity 'Center and the Recre—
ation Hall here at Highacres.
As the preWent began to tale op his
duties again in the miriele of the week,
he suffered a Serious relapse pllming
the El n heml-cs'4 l o. HiOori eXarlirat3oh4
on Ileanesr'ay, This relapsp, coning at
a time when' the PrePlden Was presunea
1 , 0 be ProVesPing raPidlY, resulted in
a further redUotion of his burdensome
Suffers from Gastric Indigestion
with CmmplicationsCouncil ,
Meetings Cancelled Until.
ConvalesCence is C#Plete
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