Noveinber 16, 1955 The Responsibilities pf the Student ;MO ..... Om Every student shou/d take pride in the to4RWArame -6 460 1 WCONAlgow ,, The student body, as a whole, has been doing a good job in keeping the Centerts appearance up to par, bUt there are two places where some improvement is needed, One, the main lounge;. and two the racks where the brief cases are supposed to be kept , : , The main loulllP'shoUld be kept .quiet and orderly at all fl tithes !! Vleasd refrain frOm'lyingonthe sofas, and from sitting or placing your legs on the arms of the-chairi',. :Also, the steps leading into the lounge should be kept clear of books;-and other. obstacles.. . , The brief cases ar.e to be placed on: • the racks which are'supplied.for this purpoSe. If they are placed on the ' floor, they block the passageway leading to the. classrooms in' the VS:dement, and, to and'from the . . cafeteria. . The impression which other people get from the Center is the appearance - I t is- creaVd- y,4 4 4,%. students, Zt Te pride in the Center and keep it neat and pres9ntable, • Thanksgiving Peml-Pormal The Thanksgiving Semi. Formal will . be held on Wednesday, .Nov. 23 ,from• 9s 00 P.M. to 1200 midnight 4 fit thi s writing there ate only "approximately four couples who are going. What is the matter with you fellows? `The girls won't bite you. If you ask theme they can only say yes or no. So why not ask them? You're sure to thave a good time, .and .so will they; Letld all make this first semi—formal .a success. • iiticstu com..tor The Sadie liaurkins• Tarty, which will be held . of the iomest - iry. Jamiary ,27, will be sponsered by the Theta Sigma" Pi So.rorityi Sveryone is -•, welcome to.attend' s This is the time when the girls will have the chance to ask their 'favorite beaiis to dance. An orchestra has been hired, 4 program planned, and arrangements'made fdr , - -refreshments- for, tills informal get* , together. This is the last time that mahy of the sophomores will tie meeting with us, and the sorority is hoping that everybody will be there to celebrate the end" of this first semester: Flying Club To Meet Friday The:i!tudent'FlyingCllib will meet Friday, November 12, 4th period in room 207. At this meeting,, .the final organization' of the club will be established_ and plans made on the'purchase of an airplane. For thisreason t . everyone interested in this' projeit is asked to bepresent at the , meeting—if only — far ectew Minutes, - 7 Ciapt 4 Carper has - .asked that those-Students whO.are interested Joining thii'tlut? .'attend tie early 'part of the meeting 'yeven if, they have' some. otti6txtral...cur 'rlicear activit : y to 'attend. 'ln 'tilt wty,. he will know:exactlyhow - n(any students are interested An learning to 'fly through thti'aUbk ' ; ' - There will be:a"Sorority meeting on Thursday evening, Novetber 179. at 70 0 ph. in the main:loungs. Ths guest . speaker who had bOen ptigiduily ic4oOuled to' talk to the'sokOrity:thembers is unable to attend thlS meeting . and the talk and deSionstration has been.peqtponed'"Untt/' a later date, flawk-ino Party, it4*** , ‘; x 4- g—x-):** ' 'Sorority Page 2
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