November 16, 1955 BOWLING OPENER 41 SUCCESS The opening of the:Penn State Center Bowiing League this past Sunday, was a remarkable succesS'asall ten teams opened 'up on the Playtiouae t~lleys' in Hazleton. In opening'tatcheS, the , Engineering.; Zoology; and Speedhteats won all three points on some fine teat strengeh,H - On' the average, most teams are fairly i*ell balancedand.all,indicatl.6hs'point— wards a finellighly competitive sec.s6n Ray Bittner of the Engineering teat took all the honora, aa'he wet total points and high individUal game.' Peter A. Digiondomenico and Bob Miller rounded out the top thtee daces on individtal averages. ' • ' Schedules and .ccmPlete averages will be posted oh the bulletin boards, MORE AND MORE - MOORE This was the story this past Saturday, as the Nittany Lions roared to a 34-14 win over mediocre Rutgers at University Park. The lad frbm Reading, gave the fans thrill after thrill, offenSively and defensively all afternoon. After reeling off a record-tying 80 , -yard run in the:firit perioa,AgOore was content to be the'decoy on the outside for a -- while. Opportunity'caMe several dines later in the game, and Moore sped to several substantial gains, his best running efforts of the season. THE PENN STATE SOCCER TEAM... led by All-American Dick Packer, tied the Penh State a11.41m6 record of 17 straight wins this past Saturday, de feating the 'Temple Owls 5-0, and almost assured them Selves of their second straight National . Soccer Chabpionship. The win over the Owls puts the LionS two short of the national record set by the same Temple Owls, and ironically, HA ZLE TON COLLEGIAN it was the Lions who snapped. Temple Is 19-game streak. ' Dick Packer, who scored threp goals Saturday, and all three in State's 3-1` victory victory over Navy last Tuesday, is one - ual short of the mark set by,All -American Jack anczich (Penn State) in 1952. Ulth but one game remaining (Pitt Pantheri at bome), it is quite possible that Packer may become the new scoring champion of Penn State. Student Council's action last week to return after only a weak trial to the old . twenty—fcur hour time period to pay traffic fines has every charaCteristic of an :improper action. rn'the first place, all the discussion hear' on the qUestion was definitely against the action taken by the doundli. Despite the fact that two Council representatives bostitrely claimed they could not, on Certain dates, pay a fine. within Within twenty ! ..four hours, the motion unanipTualy . passed. In the second 'the motion was passed because the TraffiC Committee demanded it and for no other reason. ' ' The action of the Traffic `Committee in themotionbe passed was based on two reasons. FirSti the Committee . objected to having their recommendations of the' previous week ignored. Second, the Committee pointed out that the policy in the' past had been to give only a twenty-four hour graCe period to pay.a fine. The important fact here ts'that the Traffic Committee helr absolutely no outside investigation on the question. They completely ignored the facts and judged the subject by their oWn'personal prejudices. No investigation into the students' Schedules were held to see if it is possible to pay fines in all cases with in the'twenty - four hour period. Page 10 THE TiItIFFTC STTUATTON /
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