November 7, 1955 DISPENSARY The human body can be ; compared to a machine in that it does not operate at 1 peak 'efficiopcy whet some of its parte are worn, broken ' .: or nailinej liben this condition occurs the machine is ' sent tea;:repairman v The Univeroit realizes that a student who does not feel good•cannot do.his boot worX. Therefore theunivarsity maintains ; 'a complete dispensary and retains a fu11... time nurse. There is no ieason 10 . 1 if you don't fee;..wela youflhouldn't go and see Yrs. Kostenbaucler.. She will be more than happy to pub you in working order. X-RAY TO VISIT CENTER Thy Pennsylvania Bureau of TuberculoSis Cbntral *ll send a mobil unit to X-ray ally students- on Novmber '17,1955. The bus will.locate in the usual place ) .the enterance to,South Hail. Our enlarged snrollmontWill require the co—operation of,elnry one. ...An X—ray and a reportfis i a must with ev=ery student and it 18' to his or her advant— age to he .on ;the campupand'availyourT self of this free service. If you do n not.have an X!..ray taken on that day, the follow an extra (PCIDOTIP 6 that the universiV'ls notresponSihle foro ' ”, . Faculty and staff are invited tci' tho . :priviledge of this seiviCee BOCICSTORE INFO The manila folders whi ch were ordered sometime ago have arrived at the Bookstore. They are priced at three cents each. t X X X X XiHt X It X*** HAZLF,;TON COLLEGIAN VETERANS CLUB ADOPTS CONSTITUTION , .The veterans club of Highacres met Friday,.NoVeMber 4 in-Room S-101 and, _ adopted a C , oriebitutional charter as a basis for theirleundation. ' .' The body approved finanCial pl.ans and voiced opinions on a social. gkogram for the present year. President-Lee Schmeltz presided over the meeting and - emphasized the, Import— ance of futtrre meetings. He also urged the importance of a larger repxTeenta:ti on, The . 7cheb6:totrhament-created a great deal Of'interest,.. The winners for, last week were: E•.•BIRQSR I , ; I3. MUDD, BITTNER,. J. ..4)F1R., , „ , ei• • CHUDY, , LETNINGER„. R. OLET44 ICKES, R, MILLER Mr. I .7ard axed; Mr. fisher have not finished their a game. The winners are scheduled to, play this week, The entire staff of the Highacres "Collegian" extends our best wishes to Lillian Junas, a recent addition to the staff of the Penn State "Daily C ollegi an . A fifth—semester student, majoring to Journalist, and last year's efficient editor bf the HighacreS . Collegian; Eiss-junas.-is the.womenis sports'feature.writer.and herarticles can be' Seen rather:frequently,in . the main campus'newspaper• . , *.f4h , N4(.4t.z.*,ft- CHESS TOURNANENT C ONG tiA TULit TT 0 NS Page 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers