November 7, 1955 3MDT'NT TINTON 'RfILDING -- as)o ,/ \4 ou Should, the students .'tie asdesged to defray the costnf the Student Union Building? . ° ' A poll taken b thi.• reporter reveals the followilig .*piniOns.and , cOmments - on the issue concerning the student's wanting a Student Union Buildingi . paid for by, student assessmentst. Mary Ann Nelkies "No, because the students who -are now. -here -and who -wnuld -help pay. for it won't: - get any use .out of it." Joseph Neuklist "Yes, because we need.a student uion buildtngAnd' that seems to be the only way it would be paid for." Jean Reed:.: "Yes, because it mould be beneficial:Xor;:fUture students.": Rhoda Smulyan: nYes, _because we need a place where all' the students can get together.” - James Dritzle;;.."Absolutely nOt4 , . theri4re,pertdiply more ObvioUa . instqncepwhere_moncy could be . put to...much better Fqrpothes.n. Helen Noliarnik:. nwe r, Bally need j a student union imilding, and, the only posSible way we can get , one is by assessing the students." Mary Merkers "Yes, because the students need one." HAZLETON C2LIVAN Andrew Wbytek: J'Since everyone who pays toward it won't benefit from it, why should everyone pay for it?"! " James Koren: "Ne, the student is burdened with.toomany expenses aiready.o Edward Hahnt nhy-should , the students pay for a-student union building? Let the union pay for it.o Vernon Sinn: 7Tes, because it would be difficult'to obtain money from other'sourceS" , A new reading room has beOn opened on the second floor or the library building and all the current issues of magazines' haVe been moved into that room. The back 'issues of maga zines such as and nVifell have. been made available; they have been placed in separate piles aocording to date and stacked on the shelves. To facilitate the use of back issues, the Reader's, * Guide, has also, been placed on the shelf in, the new room. If there is. any article .in the back issues that you are interested; in, you, can find' - it by looking - in the • Reader's Guide under the_title of the article, the,suWec't heading, or the name. of..i4lealittior* 4 • There is a new set q-,Envelopedia Americana and Encycicipedia P.irittanica on the shelves in. : the,reference room. Special thanks to James Apple for doing errands for the Sorority hayride which was held Oct. 29. page 4 ZI BIMRY NE JS THANKS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers