November 7, 1955 EDITORIAL For the past few weeks,. numerous students have registered complaints • that their lunches havelpeenstolen,, while they were in class. ,The complaints have_ reached a scale where they rule,out any poSSibility - or - *- accident or excusable *error as the explanation. tothe disappearances. The oiiiy other explanation that we can see, and . one which we hesitate to make, is that someone is delib erately stealing iunches:i T Back in high school where such adolescent stunts belong, a : students , . property is protected by placing it in a locker. Assuming that their. students have material beyond :the . . "swiping" 'stage,: collegesieldpm, provide student lockers . . Here .at Highacres We maintain an Informal "Honor System; whereby students can,, feel safe to leave their lunches or books on an open shelf and go to class at least we did have such a system! Before , Official action Is taken,-the. per6Oh or persoris resporisit4e for ,the disaPpeating: lunches Fare cautioned. to stop this practice' immediately/ HAYRIDE mccamszi On Saturday night l : October ?9; there was a heavy downpour of rain; but this downpour' did, not stop. the sor7, ority hayride . .. , The _girl's and' their dates` went to, ptpffaY Grove on the Freeland-DrUms highway .1n car 6: instead of .the open truck'ithat:waS, rented. At- the . grOve, there : was wienie roast, dancing, and 'Singing in ' the closed pavilion. , .Ohaperones for. the , affair were lir..and. 41.6, Hobson' 2erbe . , . The Officers Of the . sorority take this opPortunity: . to thank all *who helped , 'in' any : way to make this affair a success. HAZLETON COLLEGIAN A meeting of. the Theta SigMa Pi sorority was held Thursday:::evening in the ,main lounge. President . NO7ar,et ChUrilla'firesided. t' -The.first.thing_disTtpsedwas plans for a sorority —sponsoreddanoe, - The dance will be called ”The Sadieliawkins. Day Dance" and.. Will be had on Friday, January 27th. at the Eaglesr Ballroom. , The Sorority will provide the .enter,- tainment andserve the refeshMentS while the: Student.Goverpment Association will provide the ballroom, the'orchestra and the decora!Oon6,, The bil7annua.l sorority banquet is goinb to be held on Saturday, ' January 28th. at; a place to be decided upon in the future, At this banquet, the •girls exchange gifts with their secret pals, and the girls that are leaving Highacres are presented with gifts from the sorority. Sorority pins are available to the girls at a cost of 5;,2.5041 The question of getting sorority sweaters was brought - up. Instead of sweaters the girls decided they mould prefer to have white blazers with a Penn State, rather than a sorority, emblm. Those blaZers would be bought at a. dam:at-mon store. The cast"is indetormtnate as of now. - . THETA - SIGMA PI SORORITY (con it to P. 6) Page '2
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