October 24, 1955 CHUDY VOTED PREXY OF RE-ORGANTZED GERMAN CLUB On Friday, October 7, the newly re-organized German Club elected as its president James ChUdyl president, Walter Daniels; and secretary-treasurer l William Lovrinic, The object of the club is to aid the student in learning German by acquainting him with Germanic culture, songs-, and conversation. The club has planned to have a lecture sometime in the future-. Everybody who has some interest and background in German is invited to join. The meetings take plane during the 4th period, Friday in Room L-2 under the sponsorship of Miss Dossenbach. LTBRA.RY NEWS There will be a meeting of library aides Wednesday,. October 26, 6th period in Miss Garbrickes office. These meetings will be continued regularly everyliednesday at the same time. There are several new:mference books now on the shelves. There also will be new sighs on the charge desk listing the' names of the library aides, when a librarian is not on duty and instructions for-charging Out books-. WANTED The Collegian is in dire need of another typewriter. Anyone having information on typewriters that could be used 'on Fridays,, please notify Russ BrUngard, Bernie Steber, Mr. Peightal, or any member of the Collegian staff. HIaZLETON COLLEGTA.N The College Arts Society held a meeting on srlday,,,October' 14. Because of a Student Council : meeting, held at the sqmOtime,Aawrence . Kowalski, pTesidentiAnd William Smith, secretaryreaeUrer v Were„ unable,to-attend. Therefore, Rhoda Smulyan presided as President Pro SeMpore and Patti Sacco acted as Secretary. .., Miss Smulyan gave the plans for the following,. year which include a- radio skit anti-five motion pictures'. The committees for the radio skit are: Publicity Revising Rewriting Productlon Mr. Nilcox gaVo a summary of the five movies, which ares (1) The Specter of the Ballet (2) Mister 171hcent Religious (3) All The King s Men - A drama (4) The Promoter - A comedy (5) The Well big ex.'s Daughter - A Frenc omedy. The meeting for October 21st was cancelled. "Are you going to the hayride? Whom did you ask?" These.questions are the beginnings of the favorite topics of conversation in the girl's lounge these days. Ihen and where .is the hayride? The hayride is an activity of the Theta Sigma Ti sorority. It will be held on Saturday, October 29. The truck, COLLEGE ARTS SOCTETY - Mary Tlhansky - Rhoda Smulyan ' - Helen Novarnick MargatetChuillia Carol-Masttbianni HAYRIDE Page :4 Rose' A
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