October 24, 1955 GREAT BOOKS CLUB DISCUSSION Last Firday everarlg, October 14th. - , the Great Books > Club Met ;at' High acres for a discussion 'of the book An Enadiry Concer'ning Rtnan Understanding, written.--by Lavd Hume, 1711:1776,' Scotch philosopher and historiam;. Professor Henry Johnstone, from the Philosophy Department on the University_ Park .Campus', gave an. interesting lecture on - the 'book.. Mr. Andrew Kafka, of our English' Department, was the moderator. These are the „stimulating questions that served as a core or the dig. 7 cussion period:_ 1. Can necessary connections, ever, in Met, be observed? 2. To what extent does science, really depend upon observation? 3. Can experience really be analyzed into impressions and ideas? - 4. What hidden assumptions Or empericism lead it to deny necessary connections of matters ofclfact? The other leatures'ofthe, - .Creat'BOok6 Clubs for this term center on the followings Satires of Juvenal (and Horace) fer;aa - e - sT DTcTo.iWe on Methods (ParES:l7a) 7 Bacon's. NooumOrganUm-- . T 7 170:Sections) Voltaire's i'hildsobnicai DiCtionary (eeitions) rill's Utilitaria.n,ism TaWiTte7rT Y. 7.7)., BOOKSTORE TN:FORMA TTO N A copy of Psychology edition by Ruch, has oome-in. The : music books and shirts which were ordered. have hot oomp:in yet but are expected soon. ZLE TON C,Y3 I.I:EG lAN fi l / 4 )FiKit:o: , .T -vi , :: , N,:::gAr. ~,e...-1, On Monday at the drill field, t Highacres 'AFROTC Unit witnessed the promotion of Raymond L, Bittner from Airman Ist. class" to Cadet 2nd, Lieutenant, Cadet Bittner is a member of the drill team and is active in many campus activities A new regUlation to be , added , to Cadet regulations 30 , 1 states that the Cadet uniform is to be worn the entire day on days in which an - AFROTC class is 'scheduled. This means that e cadet May hot Cie to school in the morning - wearing civilian clothes, and thrt go home and change into histnifor before ROTC class or leadership lab. The drill team will march in the Mummers Parade, this.year. Last year they: took first place in this event, and from the looks of things, they stand a:good chance at taking first place again. IWETERANS INFORMATION Veterans are asked to come in th bookstore, to sign for their , chec' Monday, October 2t, through Thursday, October 27 Veterans rnigh.t tae tinterester' to know that.a - 2.,?—mnth break In tr. ing forfeit 6 all benefjts except in extreme uituationpi such as t re—entering the Armee Fpreo.. Veterans are exclucaea from the- Freshman :Jeek This initiation is for non—vets only. Page 3
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