The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, October 03, 1955, Image 1
XVIII No. 2 /XQWALSKI /5 NEW PRLS! DE.NT The election is over and it was a close race all the way. At the final counting of the ballots on Friday afternoon, it was revealed that Kowalski went ahead of his opponent Brungard, to win the office of president. At the same time, Sturm outraced Adams for the office of vice-president. Tomko, running with no opposition, was unanimously elected to the office of secretary-treasurer of the Sophomore class. The council members were split with Marsicano and Bobowski winning for the Progressives, while Bittner and Smith won for the Collegians. On the Frosh ballot, Stish came out on top and won over Reese and 7ylla for the office of president. Rekas captured the office of vice precident, and Sacco won the seat for secretary-treasurer of the Freshman class. Weekly Newsletter Edition The Pennsylvania State University Center Hi.ghacres Hazleton, Pennsylvania October 3, 1955 There was a little trouble with the F'rosh council members due to a tie which made it neces sary to recount the ballots. However, after the recount it was discovered that the Frosh had chosen Scarlato, Probert, Tuchi, and Tihansky to represent their class in council. *#•#*#*#* To clear things a little for you, we would like to point out that the president of the Sophomore class automatically becomes president of the Student Council. At the same time, the president of the Freshman class automatica lly becomes the vice-president of Student Council. The other council officers are elected by and from the council represen tatives. We would like to express our congratulations to the new officers of the Student Council, Sophomore, and Freshman classes of 1955-56.