Voi. A bronze cup will be awarded at Convocation to the most valuable Sophomore an< Freshman, who will be chosen at elections to be held on Monday, May 16. This hono: 3s known as the Parnassus Award. All students vote for the member of their class who, they consider, has been the most useful student to the Center during the past year. Next Friday evening, May 20, following their Spring initiation, the Parnassus members will, through an elimination process of the ten highest chosen in each elai elect the most valuable. The names of the award winners are withheld until Con vocation night. This is a serious and merited election which requires contemplate on the part of all of us. Following is the inscription which will appear on the Sophomore and Freshman ballots i "The second-year (first-year) Parnassus Trophy 5s awarded to the member of th Sophomore (Freshman) class who in character, scholarship, conduct, and leadership 1 most nearly realized the standard of the ideal student and who in the opinion of tl members of Parnassus through these qualities has made a major contribution to the welfare of the college and its student body." FOUND-*- A pocket knife on the ball field on Wednesday. The loser may claim it at Weekly Newsletter Edilion Pennsylvania State University Center Highacres Haaletonj Pennsylvan*: a 115 S PARNASSUS AWARD ELECTIONS ON MONDAY
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