The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, May 06, 1955, Image 2
May 6, 1955 life, /v I. t »< v ( V < ' All of the students here at the Center are sorry to hear that Betty Sp©.ck, one of our capable secretaries from the bookstore, is leaving us» The main reason for leaving is that wedding bells are going to ring for Betty and George Bartko on May 21. Although we hate to see our lively, happy, and always smiling Betty leave, we wish her the best of everything and a fond farewell from all the students an faculty of Highacres. _ Connie Snyder is our new secretary in the main office. She graduated from treeland High with honors and previously worked in New fork City. But we still have Sylvia - she will be back in the bookstore. The date of the Community Chorus' Spring Concert has been changed to Monday June 6. Tt will be at 8:30 pm at the Christ Lutheran Parish House in Hazleton. The Penn State Center Auxiliary is sponsoring the concert this semester. Money derived from the sale of patron tickets will be used for the benefit of th Center's scholarship fund. All library books must be returned, all fines paid, and all lost books eithi returned or paid for by May 27. You will not be able to take your exams if the: matters are not settled before exams begin. The College Arts Society, after accepting a radio script and receiving permission from WAZL to present it, will begin rehersals on Monday,~May 9. § The play, entitled Thcjecklace, is an adaptation of Maupassont's famous short storv. The cast for this play is highly flexible and capable of being easily expanded or contracted to suit the number of students interested. W expanded or After several rehersals, the play is to be tape recorded at the WAZL studios for presentation at a later date. Any student who would like to participate in tl program should see Mr. Wilcox before leaving school today V * 1 * |\ (r RADIO REHERSALS BEGIN MONDAY HAZLETON COLLEGIAN , / ■&*%' A • i **v /J* ' “V '• . Ah#* | /4 xt ryw ,)■ L.k V: : . //& t <V*> W mi °*m farewell ' HAVE YOU SEEN??? CHORUS CONCERT NEWS ATTENTION* Page 2