April 1, 1955 Too many students here at Highunros are hypnotized by marks and are igndrant of the true reasons for a die liege education. Too many students look no further into the future than to their receiving a degree qualifying them as engineers or bio-chemists , Too many students acquire.knowledge only for exams and forget it immediately afterward• The time has comc for those students to face some facts. If you, a doctor, are right in only 70% of your diagnoses, if you, a lawyer, are correct m only 70% of the cases you cite in your if you, an engineer, are right in only 70% of your estimates, you are worthless to society and a menace to it. The world of today does not need students who know ’something' about their subject} industry is not crying for engineers who know a 'little' Math, and clients are not searching for lawyers who know 'a bit 1 about law. As a matter of fact the world would bo better off without any of these 'know-little' students who cheapen the reputation of the remainder of their professi on, who destroy the public confidence in the profession} and who cause serious and needless damage to the fortunes and lives of other people. A science student who crams for his chemistry exam certainly isn't paying attention to the future when he wi.ll need an intimate knowledge of the principles he so carelessly learned and so quickly forgot. How about the education students who 'crack* a book solely because an exam threatens? Do you think such a person is qualified to instruct the youth of this nation? child taught by a teacher who only knows 70% of his subject, starus out along the road of education w&th a distinct handicap,. Often the child learns many erroneous or false facts which hinder him in later life. To enlarge on Mr, Mattern's excellent phrase, " ¥e don't want cook-book chemists", neither do we want cook-book engineers, lawyers, or anything else. As long as students blind themselves with marks, that's all we'll get. This certainly is no one's fault but the individual students. The faculty certainly never stresses marks over subject mastery, as a matter of fact marks, as far as possible, are played down,, So let's wake up to the danger facing America - a danger which we ourselves are responsible for. Pre-registrat-ion Trill be held from must pre-register during the period aloitecU Eight week grades will be available from your advisor on Wednesday, April 13. The Convocation Comittee met on Tuesday and disdussed general details for the program o At this meeting were Mr, Kostos, Mr. Mattern, Miss rbrick, Mr. Peigbtal, Stan Gruszevski and Max Mehalick. The next meeting is scheduled for May 7, The entire committe ’±3quested to be present. The annual Home Ec Spring Weekend will be held on April 22 and 23 on the main campus, attendance at these activities should prove to be worthwhile and of interest to Home Ec majors. MO YOJ DO? By Larry Xcaalski mm mm >-m . mm mm m* mm , , .FROM THE MAIN OFFICE ipril 13 until Ma; Page 2 7. AH students
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