The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, April 01, 1955, Image 1
VoI.XVTT No. 25 Laborious, arduous, handy, efficient *- - no better adjetives than these can describe our dependable and hard-working custodians, Mr.. John Coyne (John), Mr. Burgess Faux (Foxy), and Mr. Harold Michaels (Mike). These three busy men are responsible for keeping the building, repaired; the surroundings, lovely; the rooms clean, the heating accurate, the road plowed, the leaves raked, and the many other things in tip top condition. ’John’ who is the head custodian, supervises and has full charge of the manual work at Highacres* Never seen idling, John is usually checking necessary conditions, hustling from one job to another, sweeping'classrooms and cafeteria and - in a general outlook - always doing something for the betterment and the up-keep of Highacros. General maintenance is 'Foxy's' regard. We are most familiar with seeing him with a "push—broom", but Foxy has many important and essential functions behind the scenes. He takes care•of all the refrigeration, plumbing, electrical and carpentry work• Besides swooping and cleaning the rooms in the main building, Foxy cleans the Chem building and the Rac Hall. Most of us probably coma in contact with 'Mike' more than with the other two because his jobs are mainly out-of-doors. He does, however, clean South Hall early every morning and takes care of the heating. A former chauffeur, Mike has charge of the transportation - bringing in the mail, express and sometimes exchange teachers, plowing and cindering the road and running errands and deliveries. Since he is concerned with the maintainance of the 'grounds', Miße is accountable for the removal of leaves, underbrush, and snow; the cutting of grass, and the care and beautifying of the shrubs, plants and garden. Hie custodians agree that Highacres is a wonderful place to work and that the students have never failed bo cooperate or lend a helping hand when it was asked of them. They get along well wi bh everyone - faculty and students -» for they are able to go about their routines without strict super vi si.on compelling them to do this or do that at any special time. Work is the end result of these 'busy-beavers' of our workshop at Highacres and it is satisfactorily performed and totally accepted. n s one means of showing their interest to Highacres, our custodians and Mr. Kostos have purchased Chinese Chestnut trees, which will soon be planted in the near wooded areas around our Campus, This project is more or less an experiment to see how these trees will grow on top of the mountain. Weekly Newsletter Edition The Pennsylvania State University Highacres Hazleton, xennsylvania OUR WORKSHOr-ijIGHRCRLS By Lillie Junas ■Co* " " r ,