March 11, 1955 Sometime during April, there will be a blood mobile in this area, as most everyone knows, the ROTC detachment at the Center has always had an excellent turn-out for this worthy causa and this time it is hoped that there will be a 100$ turn-out of the cadets. If everyone cooperates and helps in making this campaign a success, The authorities have assured the center tnat the Bloodmobile will be brought on campus for the convenience of the students, But the only way to do this, is to get everyone's whole-hearted cooperation,, And don't forget, every cadet that donates blood is guaranteed one merit, (equal to a final grade pointi) so keep a date open in April fot the Blood mobile. On the fifteenth of this month a C--47 flight from the Hazleton Air Fort has been scheduled, that is with weather permitting. The last few flights have ended in a rather moist way but wi th spring weather all around the plane may be able to aqt£ez.e in between soma idainy days. The plane has been sched uled to be here from 1000 to 1700 for the convenience of all cadets. Maybe if everyone stops washing their cars or putting raincoats aiue fool the weather into being clear and bright. flans are being made for a field trip to the Olmstead r Force Base sometime in April. After chocking with the various classes, it has been found that 'Wednesday would be the best day for such a trip. The tour will take a full day with transportation being furnished by the Air Force. Tours will be taken through the weather station, control tower, maintenance areas, and the link trainer section where the cadets will be given a chance to operate a link trainer, feople taking the tour will be given the choice of eating at the consolidated mess hall at government expanse or at the Officers Club at their own expense. During the day, several hours of flying time has been planned for the cadets, so that the trip promises to be a very interesting one. With the coming of warm weather, the drill team x.s once agaxn starting practice. During the winter, the lack of a place to practice forced a vacation upon the members of the team. The reorganization of the team this semester has Jack Burggraf as the First tti-, and Robert Bove as the First Sgt. This semester the team has begun to practice with rifles and they are now learning the various drills and movements be performed under aims. So, don't be alarmed by the clanking of weapons, it's just the drill team marching thru. There have been several new candidates for membership this semester and if anyone is interested, he can still join for there is still room for three more HAZLETON COLLEGIAN ROTC NE73 Blood Mobile Due Soon mother? Flight Due Soon Field Trip Being Planned Drill Team Functi Again Rage 3