VoI.XVTT NO 22 Jmi* & mm *.*.—- ** mm mm mm mm The movie 'Volpone', which was presented by ithe College Arts Society on Monday evening, is based on Pen Johnsons' famous play. It is a very humorous story satirizing the corruption of Venitian sb'clety during the early seventeenth century. Jules Romains, a distinguished French writer who has written a series of novels, Man of Goodwill, dealing with modern French history, wrote the screen version of "Volpone". On April 14, the College «.rts Society will present another movie entitled "The Quiet One". College is wonderful, there is no doubt about it. Besides educating tomorrow's engineers, doctors, lawyers, and business men, it rounds out their character and trains them for their place in society. Tn other words, a college education consists not only of 'cracking a book 1 every night, but also of a conscious effort to develop good habits and to correct bad ones. Now, it is not a mark of an educated college student to show complete neglect and disrespect toward the efficient mass of workers who make possible his' :• education It is not a mark of an educated student to repay the kindness our kitchen staff shows toward him by disobeying the cafeteria rules. It is not the mark of a well mannered person, anywhere, at any time to leave his refuse for another person to clean up. Last Friday our cafeteria was splattered with issues of the Collegian carelessly left on the tables and chairs, and on the floor by the readers. Such a situation is a disgrace. Tf the Collegian is too heavy to carry over to a waste basket when you are finished reading it, then don't pick them up in the first place. Tf you are too busy to discard the Collegian, you are too busy to read it. There is no reason - save carelessness- explaining the leaving of Collegians *on the tables. There are many reasons for not leaving the Collegians and dishes spread all over the cafeteria: first, it annoys others who would like to use the tables, second, itgiveS our cafeteria an unpleasant look, and third, it makes unnecessary work for our kitchon staff. Tf you don't want to use the issue as scratch paper, don't leave it on the tables. Show everyone that your character as well as your intelligence is being developed in college. weekly Newsletter Edition The Pennsylvania State University Center Highacres Hazleton, Pennsylvania "VOL* ONE'" PRESENTED BY COLLEGE aRTS SO YOU THTNK YOU'RE EDUCATED DON'T BE A 'LESTER LTTTER' iJi ft fa / March 11, 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers