March 4, 1955 Recently, the members of the Meralda Brennan Discussion Club II of Pottsville established. a Meralda Brennan Scholarship Fund i# . g honor of their advisor. The club is composed of members of the Public Speaking classes which Mias Brennan has and is teaching. The discussion group, which meets In the Pottsville Radio Station, Is also going to make a $>25.00 award at convocation to the student, who in Mlsg Brennan's ©animation, has excelled In public speaking at the Pottsville Center, Miss Brennan, the Spanish teacher at Hlghacres, commutes to our Center from Pottsville twice a week. For the leadership, co-operation and interest that she has shown In Pottsville, Miss Brennan certainly deserves tin s recognition. At the last two regular meetings of Parnassus, discussions were held on the point system and revisions to it are being made. The revisions made for the Collegian are as follows: Editor 4 points, Assistant Editor 3 points. A provision has been made for this stating that if a case arises where an assistant editor takes over the duties of an editor, he will receive 3 or 4 points. Typist 2 or 3 points. Reporter 1 point. If a reporter is active he will receive 2 points; if he is exceptionally active he will receive 3 points. The members of Parnassus have made the points flexible in order that students who are more active will receive a fair amount of points. Reports will be made in the following weeks on revisions of other activities The Collegian wanted to find out, so several students were asked what they would do with a catamaron if they were given one. as most people know, a catamaron is a kind" of "raft consisting of two or more logs lashed together, and is moved by paddles or sails. Hera are the (?) answers* Peggy Trevorrow - "I'd feed it to my dog." Harry Burgraff - "I'd give it back." Margaret Churilla - "I'd analyze it in the Chem George a tor - "It would make good eating." Caroline Brobst - "I'd give it to Mr. Steele so microscope." Art Teel - "I'd feed it." Ed Bradley - "I'd bite it back." Maryann Nassel "I'd drink it for a kick." HAZLETON COLLBGTAN HONOR TO EXCHANGE TEaCHER PARNASSUS MIS [O7/ ERIGHT ARE THE STUDENTS AT HIGHACRSS? Lab." he could study it under a