Vol XVlt No 21 An appealing Invitation is extended to both students and members of the community to attend the Monday night presentation of Volpone, a French comedy. An added attraction, The Rink, & Charlie Chaplin short, promises to make the entire feature even more enjoyable than the one presented last semester on Michaelangelo. Donft miss this famous comedy. Feature starts at Bsoopm. Is no charge. This Is one of the Center's activities, Why not support it. Highbrow - - a man who has found something more interesting than women. Bulldozer - a bull that is always sleeping. Confidence - the cocky feeling you have just before you know better. Black eye - proof that the hand is quicker than the eye. Weekly Edition The Pennsylvania State University Center Highacres Hazleton, Pennsylvania C'OUt'^ s-.oor^ COMTNC DAFFTE DEFINITIONS /' \r\ v* < i [OMDAY . , . M( March A, 19' '■4> % There