February 25, 1955 The next weekly meeting of Mu Delta Sigma wl 11 be held on <i/ednesday, March 2, at 6*30 FM In the Rec Hall, fat this time an election for office of Vice President, now being temporarily held by Brother Brungard* be held, plus voting on revisions to the constitution. It is requested that all members be present for this next important meeting. On Tuesday night, the College Community Chorus helped the University celebrate its 100th anniversary by participating in the program held here at Highacres for University Alumni and present students.of the Center. The chorus sang the college songs and closed their part of the program with a special request number, 'l've Been '.Parking on the Railroad’. The chorus is still short of women. Any girl at all, who is interest in singing, is urged to come to the chorus’ meeting next Tuesday evening. Transportation to Highacres can be easily arranged 1f you have no way of getting here. See Miss Garbrick or one of the chorus members if you are interested. Membership is open to all interested persons in the community as well as in £he college, „.s£ bring your friends too. The students of Highacres share the grief of the community in general at the death of Dr. Din, a Pakistan exchange doctor. Dr. Din, who was found dead in his room at the State Hospital's doctors residence last Sunday had been scheduled to speak at the center this Friday afternoon. An unpleasant.person 1s our friend Gus Grumps, A student who is always down in the dumps. He gripes about classes, school spirit and parking, The problem might not be so bad If he did something more than talking. Just before a bluebook, ®us' company makes you wail, He frets and fumes and says he knows that he is sure to fail. Then the exams come back and Gus' mark is low, The teacher had a grudge against him." Didn't you know." No matter what happens, Gus complains all the while, People have given up trying to make him smile. So Gus goes through life in his own sad way, If you talk to Gus, don’t let him spoil your day. Mrs. Kostenbauder, our center nurse, has recently returned to her duties after spending a few days in the hospital. We’re glad to see you back i HAZLETON COLLEGIAN MU DELTA SIGMA CHORUS NE'PS STUDENTS GRIEVE CAMPUS CHARACTER #2 GUS GRUMPS MRS, "K" RETURNS Fage 2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers