JebVuary 18, 1954 The Student Council hold its first meeting for the 1955 Spring Semester on Wednesday, February 16, 1955 in room M-20S with President Stan Gruszewski presiding* „ » Tha m*nutas from tha final meeting of the Fall Ssmoster were approved as road by the secretary, Mary Frances Veale. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Bradley, Treasurer, presented a prepared financial statement followsJ Edward which is as GENERAL NEWS Since basketball has been discontinued because of a lack of players the : remainder of the alloted money will be placed in the general fund. Veale suggested that the Council attempt to create college spirit during the Spring Semester, as there has been a noticeable lack of interest in school conducted affairs. Gruszewski reported that Mr. Kostos has possession of the petitions for a Student Union Gilding, As there was an insufficient number of student signatures, the petition will be discontinued for the time-being. TRAFFIC COMUTTTee REPORT According to John Mehalick, Chairman, the Traffic Committee met with Mr. Ward on Tuesday, Feb. 15, 1955. The members went over all violations and approved two applications for parking permits at the top of the hill. A replacement for John Harry, who has left Highacres, will be named after the Student Body elects the repr sentativas to fill the vacancies caused by the departure of Merri Lu Lotito and John Harry. Names of the two students who repeatedly violated the Traffic n ules have been sent to Mr. Krecker, Dean of Students. Before adjourning, the Traffic Committee decided to hold their next meeting in April as license plates will be changed by that time. SOCIAL COMM T TTEE The last major event, the Christmas Semi-Formas, was held at the Eagles in Hazleton on December 17, 1954. Mehalick, Chairman of the Social Committee J (Continued next page) HAZL . TON COLLBGTiiN STUDENT COUNCIL R EPORT Beginning Ealance Deposits Total Expenditures Basketball Social Committee R.O.T.C. Recreation Hall Collegian College Arts Community Chorus Miscellaneous Total Present Balance 1376.77 1300.0 Q 1876.77 465.47 333*27 400«35 10,-92 74.45 61.30 33*21 16.34 1395.91 481.46 Page 2
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