The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, January 07, 1955, Image 5
January 7, 1955 The Hazleton Center basketball team, coached by Jim Mulligan, tried for second place in the Pennsylvania Junior College Baste t ball league with last week's victory over Hersney, 71-65° This win gave Hazleton a 2 vans, 1 loss record having defeated Mont Alto, 95-62 and losing to York 81-56 in previous games. The next two days will decide the outcome of this league since Hazleton plays Johnstown (the first place team) tonight., and Altoona (the other second place team) tomorrow night« Johnstown has beaten York by twenby one points, and Altoona in a close game defeated the York Junior College by two points. Johnstown, by a ten point margin, handed Altoona its oruy loss for the year. Prom these scores the Penn State five will find it difficult to capture ohe conference lead in these nest two games . On the bright side of-the picture, however, is the fact that these two meets are the first of five straight home games to be played by the Hazleton team. In last years season Hazleton defeated York twice. York in turn defeated Johnstown twice. Johnstown, to complete the picture handed Hazleton two defeats, Hazleton tied with York for conference lead during the regular season last year. Hopes are high that, because of the home floor advantage, they will capture sole possession of first place this year. Sparking Hazleton on to its first wins were (I) our five starters, (II) our second string players. Wien these players appear in their next tilts they will probably be wearing the new uniforms that have just arrived. These uniforms are black with white outlining and numbers or white with black outlining and numbers, and will be complete when the slip-wer sweaters arrive , On Saturday night, January 8, Genetti's Pennsylvania Room will be decked with red, vhite, and blue streamers and the strain of music by Os Werley’s orchestra, to which the Cadets of Highacres will be dancing for it’s the Military Ball. The Queen of the Ball will be chosen at the ball itself by three judges. The three finalists in the Queen of the Ball Contest are Lois Henderson, Sue Gildenburg, and Mary Herker. These finalists were chosen from among all the entrants in the contest by several persons on Main Campus, So that there will be plenty of time for dining and dancing the Ball Committee has arranged for four hours of merry-making going from nine ’til one, The events of the Ball will take place as follows; gp@irrs i *• NOW COMES THE BALL Page 5