The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, January 07, 1955, Image 2
January 7 t 1955 Thus ends our mystery contest and the end of curious and suspicious thoughts. By the way, in case you're wondering how we got this information on Bob without him knowing about it - wellll by pure observational means, that’s all. This is an article on how to park your car on top of the hill and get away with it, or fooling the traffic committee. Everyone knows the parking rules and everyone knows that any student.who, with reckless defiance, would venture to park his car somewhere in the high altitude, has little chance of escaping a yellow tag. A recent study of this parking problem has resulted in the discovery of five destinct methods for beating the traffic committee. These methods are as follows: : This one isn't guaranteed, but a bit of "show ability” can put it over nicely. If you’re tagged, you can give t.he hard-luck story that your battery is run down and your starter is out of commission and that you must have a long run down the hill to get the car started# A* Mechanical Difficult; Br Camouflage Method t Vets mil have little trouble with this one, and the non-vets can catch on easily* Leaves, branches and trailing vines are neatly arranged over the car to resemble an annex to the Biological Building, C, License Plate Juggling? Get a "foreign” license plate, a few nuts and bolts'and your' par Icing problems will be solved. Just attach these strange plates to your car and pretend that you are visiting Hr. Peightal, You will get political immunity. D* Old Ticket Gag: If one has been tagged before, he just needs to keep the original yellow tag and place it non-chalantly on the windshield. This will keep away invitations to a new ticket. E» Legal Means: There are legal permits issued for parking on the upper strata and they can be obtained for a good reason, such as - if you were to cut off one leg you would be assured a permit. #####**<**##*#* NOTEwtfaSCHEDULE CHANGE *•■*•***#<&#■»*##*# All students are requested to note the shift of classed during the week of January 17 - 21, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday classes will be held on Monday (Jan 17) Tuesday (Jan 18) and Wednesday (Jan 19), The reason for this shift is because of the sessions lost during the Thanksgiving vacation. So please note the following schedule: Monday, January 17 Wednesday classes Tuesday, January 18—— Thursday classes Wednesday, January 19- Friday classes (Bob Stoffey Continued) PARKING HINTS Page two