Page Two Editorial Opinion SGA Needs Response There is quite a foreseeable future for the Student Government at Behrend, and all that is required to fullfill a prosperous and successful future such as this is that the Student Government Body be comprised of sincerely concerned and responsible members. Members that are aware of the significance of a student government, and apply their positions to meet material objectives. Members that are not disheartened by defeat, but are ambitious, enough to pursue these goals till they be attained in accordance with the will and good of the student body. This is the SGA's purpose, and this is why these people are elected to these positions. Last term SGA attempted to obtained a program of faculty evalution, and were confronted with negative results. Since then all work in that direction came to a halt because of one defeat. This reflects an attitude of being too willing to accept “no” for an answer. Granted a satisfying response will not always be readily attained, but this is not a justifiable ground for giving up. There is always room for improvement, and Behrend’s Student Government can be made to func tion as a very meaningful representation of the student body. This the students should be aware of, -and should be able to depend on the facilities at their disposal. Faculty Appointed Following is a listing of newly appointed staff positions for September, 1971, and persons who have been employed to fill those positions: HISTORY - Dr. Richard Winslow, Assistant Professor SPEECH - Dr. Ernest P. Weckesser, Jr., Associate Prof. PL. SC. - Dr. Kenneth L. Deutsch, Assistant Professor ENGLISH - Judith Moffett, Assistant Professor ECONOMICS - Dr. Barry Weller, Assistant Professor CMP. SC. - Terry Countermine, Assistant Professor (PhD ex pected in September, 1971) Congratulations to Mr. Kochel who has been appointed to the Executive Committee for a two year term of the Junior College Council of the Middle Atlantic States. To date, over 1,000 baccalaureate applications for admission to Behrend Campus have been processed by the Admissions’ Office, and of this number, 931 were offered admission; 566 have accepted admission to Behrend. The target goal is 645 freshmen. In the two year programs, 171 applications were processed with 144 offers being made. Total acceptances into these programs - 110. Mr. William K. Ulerich, a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Pennsylvania State University will be the Commencement Speaker at Behrend’s first graduation exercises. CircleK Last week the Circle K cleaned out the pool which is supposed to open whenever the weather clears. EDITORIAL POLICY The editorials appearing in this newspaper will be opinionated and therefore subject to criticism. All letters that are typewritten and submitted to the newspaper staff will be printed with the exception of those that are repetitions or in poor taste. The staff reserves the right to Nutans <£««