The Nittany cub. (Erie, Pa.) 1948-1971, May 15, 1970, Image 2

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    Page Two
Zlit Xiffattv . ( titrlA
01r ihrss Atiatriation
of OLonnutintutaltli
Managing Editor _
Sports Editor _
Editorial Editor and Propaganda _
Business and Photos
Advisors ___
The lack of understanding be
tween people is at the base of a
great many of our problems. All
anyone wants to take the time to
listen to anymore is• that which
is directed towards support of
their own personal views. They
have no desire to devote any time
to attempting to
. understand the
other persons considerations of an
This lack of understandin2, ex
ists at all levels and sections of
society and everyone is at fault.
Older people seem to think they
can lead us in circles when we
confront them with an issue. They
seem to make a game out of
avoiding answers to our questions.
When we stand and stare they
- Clink they've fooled us. but they
confuse . the look - we give them.
It's not a look of satisfaction for
blank answers :but, iarher it's a
look of : amazement to think they
would approach our intelligence at
such a - low level. They insult us
with their lack of rational answers
and deceptive 'aches.
Conversations I've had v-it'
some persons who supposed:y"- - ere
more intelligent than 11:i ye at
Mmes made me wonder. Maybe
i - ,ftey're more educated and :nor:
.. , ..xperienced than me, and this
Is only because they'ti•e been
around longer but as for intelli
gence, well that's deba table.
Some - recent events and cir
cuinstancs illustrate perfectly
this lack of understanding. Here
at Behrend we have a director
who simply "can't, understand"
why anyone Would want to know
why they - were fired and he Just
"can't understand - why any stu
dent would want to trouble him
self with Worrying about matters
"of a personal nature" which in
volves faculty members.
Mr. Kochel has very nicely in
formed me that he
_will hap
py to talk with anybody. includ
ing 'students. in Person." so why
not arrange an interview with our
ready to listen director and if chiS
isn't convenient he will 'al. O —an
swer any letters directed to t
so keep- those meals and letters
cornin' in. • • -
If you do - bother to commurA-
Ca:te with Mr. Kpchel don' p be-in
suited if he : chOo.„ - ges to avoid
_ -
- answers to your questions.
sincerely doubt if our openmirtded
direCtor would care to discuss cer-
Intercollegiate Press Bureau
By Gary Thornbloom
CUE , Managing Editor
tain topics which may be on your
mind. He is of course acting only
in your best interests.
At Gannon the ROTC suppor
ters "can't understand" why any
one would object to the presence
of a military program on campus
as long as it isn't compulsory.
There was a time when man
couldn't understand why anyone
would object to compulsory
ROTC. compulsory ROTC is a
thing of the past, and so someday
will •be all military involvements
with any campus. ROTC is not
a part of a well-rounded educa
tion. The production of parts for
the war machine has no place in
an institution of learning. A col
lege education should make you
want to help people not kill them.
. The draft is another segment
of society's complex war machine.
Here again - is a lack of under
standing and the distinction is
largely between the old and the
young. The old have fought in
past wars and can't see why we
wouldn't want to do our share by
fighting in today's wars, after all
it's our heritage.
The argument is often put forth
that we live in this country so we
should be proud• to die for it.
After looking. at both sides I can
in no way justify my taking of a
single life to defend what this
country has come to stand for.
Our wars and disputes with
other countries often arise out of
our greed and financial interests
involved, with these countries. The
American flag should have a dol
lar sign instead of stars.
It seems that if a
tion can be made
.it is this, older
people are more at fault than
younger people. This is not
ways the case and it is probable
that everyone has been exposed
to•exceptions. We've all met older
persons who have been really
gethere individuals and I'm equally
certain that we've - all met young
. • •
People who were really messed up
in the head.
Still. •the .fact remains that our
elders have put the world in the
shape it's in and'if they'fe'prOud
of;themeelvei than I - pity them..
With 'the mess
. they'-ve made of
,things it isn't - logical __that they
ShoUld command our "respect.
Really they should apologize to
us and make amends for the mess
_ GARY GRie.teiS
JOHN MEYERS (photos)
Ii rI 3U IY W W.l I kiJ :1
Statement Adopted
By Academic Deans
In view of the national prob
lems that deeply concern students
and faculty on this campus as
well as others across the country,
many questions and suggestions
have arisen regarding continua
ation of classes at The Pennsyl
vania State University. Our aca
demic community is profoundly
affected by the impact of these is
sues upon the educational pro
cesses which are the University's
To provide for the cntinuation
of each student's education as
well •as to provide time for ex
amination of broader issues of
significance, . the following ar
rangements have been made by
the Council of Academic Deans:
1. Classes will continue to be
available to students on the ex
isting time schedules, and exist
ing Senate regulations regarding
Dave .Carr P
time, students "who have such prob
lems do not know ..where to go, or
who to see, in order to correct their
situation. We 'support the establishing
of communication_ channels, so that
students who have these complaints
can get immediate and appropriate
Intensified Counseling
We strongly believe that the present
system of academic - advisors leaves
much to be" desired. We think that
the Campus should adopt an academ
ic-advisor system which would en
title the student to more individual
counseling. This type of counseling is
most important. to the freshman stu
dent who is having trouble in ad
justing to college studies. For in
stance, the student with a 1.5 g.p.a:
should have special counseling ses
sions with his advisor. At this time
the student and his advisor would try
to find out why the - student is hav
ing difficulty in coping with his
studies. They would also work out a
course of studies for the next term
that would be geared to help the stu- I
dent raise his average. We believe
that such a program is not only vi- I
vable, but also a necessity as Behrend
Community Action Programs
Where is Behrend Cainpus? What is
Behrend Campus? Have you ever had
these questions asked of you? Have
you ever wondered why people do not
know, of Behrend? Well, we firmly
Referendum -...
(Continued From Page One)
ed an emergency meeting to be
held tomorrow at 8 a. m. At this
time, they will discuss a proposal
for re-opening the satisfactory
unsatisfactory (pass-fail) system
to apply to any or all courses dur
ing the current term (see the ar
ticle on Statement of Council of
Academic Deans).
This is the only topic scheduled
to be discussed -at the meeting,
however pressure is being exerted
in an- attempt to bring action on
the "Solution Referendum"..
they're leaving us with. •
.Rather than to stereo-type all
the older people,. which would be
a mistake, we should respect those
who earn our respect. We should
try to understand :their views and
they "should try to understand
Our gerierition has grown up in
an atmosphere of change... We've
,been e:rgaosed_ to many of the.evils
of sooiety., We're not
are showing great potential to be
the one to close this'. generation
gap. Our:. con/act _with
__our kids
should be much closer than our
_parents, but we can do it by de
veloping a greater sense of un
derstanding than any generation
that the world has seen.
optional attendance will remain in
2. The Senate will be petition
ed to convene a special meeting
to vote on an extension of the
number of credit hours available
to undergraduate students on the
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis
for the Spring Term of 1970.
3. Deans will reopen the Sat
isfactory/Unsatisfactory tf , iling
period to accommodate students
wishing to avail themselves of this
4. Dearis will continue to ex
ercise the flexibility available to
the in'Senate regulations in the
interest of dealing with hardship
cases among their students.
5. Deans will establish or co
operate in the. establishment of
fortims and colloquies on pressing
current issues of the day.
om Page One)
(Continued Fr
rbelibve that it is because Behrend
Campus has failed to become involv
ed in the. surrounding community.
This problem could be eliminated by
instituting a plan of community ac
tion programs. For example, anti
pollution 'campaigns, civil rights sem
inars, and programs devoted to im
proving the area's governmental units.
Student - Affairs Committee
The Committee on Student Affairs
is a faculty-student organization
which among other things adjudi
cates cases of student misconduct. It
is composed of three (3) students and
three (3) faculty mebmers.' The - stu
dents 'are: 1: the President of S.G.A.,
2. a representative from S.G.A.. and 3.
a student erected by the student body.
On the other hand, the three faculty
mebers are chosen by the Campus
Directoi*, and he alone. Hence, we
propose a complete evaluation of the
Committee on Student Affairs, which
would pay special attention to the
placement of faculty members.
Faculty Senate Committees
During the Winter Term - the S.G.A.
finally won the right to place Stu
dents on the . Faculty - Senate Com
mittees. However, this-is only a token
concession'. AS" it Stands now, the stu
dents need more representation and
more responsibility given. to- them,
Thereare just too many students who
are now on Faculty• Senate •Commit
tees and yet are not infofmed of
meetings or when invited, 'are treated
as spectators and . not members..,___
The Spring formal, Aquarius, will be held inMie *Hall on. Sat
urday night, May 23'. The dusk-to-dawn festivities will culminate 'at
the Beachcomber where a• buffet will be served from 2 to 6 a.m.
Tickets are . $3:00 per couple;. $6.00 per couple for breakfast;
$l.OO and •purchase the $B.OO ticket for both the dance and break
Tickets for the breakfast should be purchased no later than
Monday. •
. The - BoOster Club. of Behrend Campus will honor our athletic
teams, participants,. and coaches at their third annual. Athletic Ban
.-quet on. Tuesda3i, June - 2, at. 7:30 p.m. in Behrend's dining hall. The
name of the guest speaker will - be announced at a later date.-
Claim Books at 0.B.:
A .number of textbooks (paperbacks and, hard covers), note
books, and a slide rule have been found in the. Science Building. ,They
are being held at the Clerical Desk, Students are - asked to - claim
them as soon as possible.
Wanted: Softball Officials
Mr. Ohorato would like to have four officials for ~intramural
softball. -Anyone interested should contact him in Erie, Hall. - •
Attention All Ag., Majors
_ ... . ..., . .
Assistant-Dean ,
W. .K. Murphey from the Main Campus will be
at 13ehrenil a"Ueiday from 3..t0 4 p.m. Any student wishing to have
An:appointment . is ' asked to, see Mrs. Brown or -Mrs; Wright at the
scienee Building . Reception pesk to sign up for a time period. - -
,Queen Nominations
Nominations for the Queen of' "Aquarius" will be accepted on
Tuesday in front of the cafeteria. The five top girls will be selected,
and the final .voting will take place at the' formal:
BULLetin --Bored
Athletic Banquet June 2
CAMPUS . . .
' Aty
A lot of under-the-breath com
plaining is going on about all the
work people have to do for a lousy
one credit gym course.
It was nice of the administra
tion to let a few of the concern
ed students lower the flag half
mast in memory of the five stu
dents killed at Kent: During the
moment of meditation, how many
of us asked why is this happen
ing? .
How many _ people read the
S.G.A. Constitution before voting
on it?' How many people voted?
Now that pre-registration has
taken place, how many of us will
get our courses?
Revolution, is that:really where
it's at? Burning, looting and
killing, where is it getting us?
How can we give peace a chance•
while students are attacking po
lice and they're shooting back?
Maybe we all should stop and
think. Where are we going?
There are only sixteen more
days until the formal. The tick
ets will be at the 'Union . Board
Desk. Since it's one of the - biggest
or is the biggest event of the
year, -I think there should be a
good showing. What - about it,
Congratulations to Mr. _Bickle
on the addition to his tonally. Bet
ter. late than never:
Aquarius. Next Week
Friday, May 15, 1970