The Nittany cub. (Erie, Pa.) 1948-1971, April 17, 1970, Image 4

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    April 17, 1970
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It ; .is general opinion that Las
Vegas Night was a real panic. I
bet there's a couple people that
are suoer happy, I am talking
about those friendly light-finger
ed people, who went home with a
couple of extra wallets. Very
clever but kind of a rotten trick.
Anyway, the people who lost their
wallets would, like their cards and
other personals back. Why don't
you be half honest (?) and mail
them to the owners?
Monday night proved to be a
very eventful night. It's been re
ported that there were many par
ties celebrating the no hours for
girls. Another interesting note,
the alcohol count was up and our
two rent-a-cops were out in full
The fast for peace got a small
response from Behrend's students.
I'm all for it however, I didn't
fast. If I lose anymore weight
mate. we could pull a eat for
peace movement.
Has anyone noticed the amount
of State Caps around the Campus
lately? Maybe therre on to some
Another rumor: Is it true that
Behrend.. Campus may soon have
a - chapter of the Hell's Angels?
Who,, What, When, Where?
The editorials appearing in this
newspaper will be opinionated and
therefore subject to critism. All
letters that are typewritten and
submitted to the newspaper staff
will be printed with the exception
of those that are repetitious or in
poor taste. The staff reserves the
right to correct or delete portions
of the letters or publication pur
AU letters - must be signed, but
names will be withheld upon re
Signed columns represent th e
view of the author only and do
not reflect the Editorial policy of the
One term Board experience or
The recommendation of two Board members in
cluding the chairman of his committee and one
term committee experience.
"Chr*st You Know it Ain't Easy"
Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young,
Taylor and Reeves continue to be
one of the tightest acts touring
now. Looking back to a few
months ago when I saw them in
Cleveland and comparing them
to other groups I've seen I feel
safe in saying that they're one of
the best.
The variety of material the
group does is fantastic. Crosby,
Stills, Nash and Young each take
a turn at accompanying them
selves on guitar or piano to songs
they have written.
At times another member of
the group will lend a voice for
harmony. So goes the acoustic
part of their act. The electric part
adds the bottom to the group in
bassist Greg Reeves and percus
sionist Dallas Taylor.
Greg Reeves plays a very fine
bass and has a style distinctly
his own. He moves, but he pro
vides a solid enough background
for the guitarists to work above.
Dallas Taylor is as fine a drum
mer as any and while he doesn't
bore us with elaborate drum
solos, which seem to be the thing
today, he does get the job done
and he does it well.
ti s
• ;
The bottom is only the begin
ning of the depth of this group.
Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
had all made names for them
selves before this group came in
to existence. David Crosby was
guitarist and composer for the
Byrds. He has written for other
groups as well.
Stephen Stills used to play in
one of the finest groups which
has ever been together, the Buf
falo Springfield, and along with
being an excellent composer he
plays a wide variety of instru
Stills was the guitarist, for the
beginning of the impromptu jam
recordings, on Super Session.
Graham Nash came from the Hol
lies where he was a part of their
beautiful vocal harmonies as well
as being guitarist and composer.
Neil Young is another ex-
Springfield member, whose influ
ence was always present in the
material the Buffalo Springfield
did. Neil Young also tours and
Student Union Board Applications Available
The Applications Are At The Union Desk. Deadline is Friday, April 24th
by Gary Thortibloom
MAY ist
records with his own group,
Crazy Horse. With Crazy Horse
he's cut two albums entitled
Neil young and Everybody Knows
This Is Nowhere. Both are sounds
typically excellent of Neil Young
and if you haven't heard them,
you should.
All of the above came from
groups that were strong in vocal
harmonies and this is •the biggest
reason for the success of their'!
latest effort.
Their first album was domin
ated by Stephen Stills. He wrote
the majority of the material for
the album and his instrumenta
tion is overdubbed on many of
the tracks.
Deja Vu their second alb=
taps their first. Neil Young, who
has always been a favorite of
mine, influences the overall sound
of Deja Vu quite a bit. The sec
ond album uses more electric in-
Construction Of New
Buildings Authorized
By Chuck Varesko
CUB Staff Writer
Behrend's new dormitory and
food service building are now of
ficially on the way. On April 13th
the Board of Trustees at Univer
sity Park authorized their con
struction and bids will be open
within the next two months.
The approved construction cost
for the dorm was 1.4 million dol
lars and $865,200 was allotted for
the food service building. When
completed, the food service build
ing will serve the 600 residence
hall students, leaving the present
R.U.B. cafeteria for commuter use.
The new laboratory, classroom
building is progressing and is ex
pected to be completed by the end
struments than the first and it
is in general a more driving al
The material is written equal
ly by •all the artists. In keeping
with the tradition of recent re
leases this album has as its
guests Jerry Garcia. and John
Sebastian. The balance of instru
ments throughout all of the'
tracks provides for clear vocals
and pleasant listening. The vocal
harmonizing is flawless all
through the album. -
Stephen Stills demonstrates his
ability as a soloist, in his own
composition 4 plus 20. Neil Young
is especially prominent .in his
Country Girl.
Teach Your Children features
Jerry Garcia's steel guitar and is
a definite boost to an already
beautiful song. We would all be
wise in •listening to the lyrics in
light of the lack of understand
ing between the young and their
Almost Cut My Hair is a nice
thing on the "hair crisis." (oh
wow) David Crosby wrote it and
probably sings it. Neil Young pro
vides nice lead. riffs through the
song which is typical of the gui
tar over guitar rides which_ the
zroup does so well live.
The group's harmony comes
through strongly in the title song
Deja Vu, Our House, and Every
body I Love You. Carry On pos
sibly features the group at its best
as they shout out sounding like
voices from heaven with their
message of "Carry On . . . Love
Is Coming . . . Love Is Coming To
lls Al j."
of July. At present the building
is being roofed and soon windows
will be installed. The 280 days of
the construction time have elaps
ed with the building 65% com
plete, and bids have been opened
or the application of 80 spaces to
the parking lot north of the build
Behrend baseball fans will be
interested to know that this sum
mer Behrend will have a baseball
field; which will be located where
the old orchard is, near the drive.
The baseball field contract was
awarded to the Garden Center
and preliminary work will — start
as soon as the weather clears up.
The diamond will be seeded on
the 10th of June and by Septem
ber it will be ready for use.
Special Events
One term committee experience, or
The recommendation of two Board members.
Special Service
forensic Union
Loses Debate,
Returns May 4
Forensic Union debaters traveled
to Edinboro State College Tues
day to contest the proposition,
"Resolved, that the United States
should adopt a policy of manda
tory social or military service for
all young adults."
The hour-long debate was video
taped for showing on VirQLN-TV
this Tuesday at 8 p.m. The Edin
boro team won the excellent, close
ly contested match against Roger
Nuber and John Musala on the
basis of greater verbal fluency and
more experience.
Accompanying the debaters to
the Edinboro TV studios were
Coach John Spielrnann, and phil
osophy instructor Phillip lobst, one
of the three judges. In addition,
eight Behrend students served as
the studio audience and asked
questions of the debaters. They
include Marsha Hamm, Len coo
ver, Anne Murray, Kathy Peter
son, Terese Sensor, Lynn Schultz,
and Carol Mannarelli.
The Edinboro team based its
case upon the inequities of the
present lottery draft system, sug
gesting that it would be better to
conscript everybody rather than
let men and all women escape by
virtue of "luck."
Behrend countered by suggesting
that other methods of securing a
military force exist, such as a vol
unteer army. They argued also
that a large military would be
dangerous, and that the very idea
of a draft was contrary to the
American heritage.
Sitting in judgement of are ar
guments, in addition to lobst, were
Drs. Ronald Coleman of the Ed
inboro Speech Department, and
John Rouch of the Gannon Col
lege English Department.
The Behrend debaters will re
turn May 4th to debate the same
proposition before a live audience
of 500 Speech 200 students. The
Forensic Union encourages Beh
rendites to watch channel 54 next
Tuesday evening, and if they en
joy the debate to indicate their
satisfaction by post card to the
TV staion.
(Continued from Page 1)
at sunny Behrend. It won't be so
bad, after all the campus is ex
panding by leaps and bounds. If
you're interested in the four year
program. look up Mr. Claridge in
the Administration Building,
Page Three